[SecDef] Many Ways to Lose

Day 1,311, 08:06 Published in USA USA by Avruch

You can read that map as well as I can - we're in trouble. Despite our best efforts and the assistance of our allies, the United States is being overrun. Simple truth, we're being beat.

But there's more than one way to lose this round of the game, and we get to choose how we do it. So how do we handle our defeat? Should we let our frustration and sense of futility push us away from the game? Will we choose to channel that frustration into internal recriminations and slip further into national disunity? Do we give up, push back weakly against the invaders and ignore our other obligations to allies and friends who suffer as we do? We could lose heart and vent our anger against each other and our friends, and maybe we'd feel righteous and maybe we would feel vindicated. Already in the media you can find "I told you so" and "If only you'd listened to me."

But we can be defeated without being defeatist; we can take a beating without allowing it to divide or dishearten us. As national leaders, our responsibility is not to lead our people into disunity and internal conflict in the service of our own egos. Rather, we should speak about hope and opportunity and the scope of our achievements even as we suffer defeat. We're not being trampled by a single enemy, no one country is conquering the heartland of the U.S. In what may be an unprecedented effort in the history of this game, the slow and temporary conquering of the U.S. is only possible through simultaneous invasions from four major powers in eRepublik. And while Poland, Spain, Indonesia and Hungary chip away at our original regions, they are unable to hold on to captured regions in their own backyard. With weakly held land bridges to our regions, these powers are risking and sacrificing economic bonuses on their own borders in order to take us down. Obviously we're no easy target.

Meanwhile, we demonstrate our loyalty and dedication to our allies by continuing to support their liberation and resistance efforts around the world. From Argentina to France, Italy, Canada and Germany, Russia, Greece, Brasil and Ireland, we have sent or will send troops to ensure the survival of our allies and prove to ourselves and the world that even in defeat we don't forget who our friends are. Like any nation who has seen its last region taken away, if we're wiped we'll rebuild. We'll organize a resistance effort unlike any seen before.

If we have it in us, we'll take this opportunity to unify our forces and our will and let the past be the past. In the future we will win again and enjoy sustained success again. When our enemies begin to bore us and we have the luxury, then I guess we can go back to taking each other apart instead of them 😛

On a different note, it has been a privilege to serve in four consecutive cabinets under Presidents Glove, Emerick, Emerick and Glove. This will be my final term as Secretary of Defense, and I'd like to take a moment to congratulate the leaders of the three branches of the United States Armed Forces on their accomplishments. Founding, developing and maintaining a large military unit isn't easy, especially with competing demands in a sometimes political environment where not everyone wants you to succeed. Generals Deificus, Kell Draygo, Deerslayer77, xDavidX and Vanek26, and Lieutenant Generals Alexander Hamilton, Firo Prochainezo, Alexander_Auctoritas and Michael Larson have led with distinction and success. I have great confidence in the leadership team of the USAF and it's many, many fine troops and I thank you very much for the opportunity to serve as your Secretary of Defense.

No less deserving of thanks and appreciation are the many members of the OMS-funded militias in the United States, including Clemens and Results of Seal Team 6, Pfeiffer, Vanek26 and Michael Larson of the Ultramarines, Mr. Stinson and Reaktionaer of Bad Company, havocpwn of Easy Company, the OWLS and all the other military units of the U.S. You are a crucial element of our fighting power and without your extensive cooperation and support the U.S. would be in tough shape indeed. In a symbol of how closely we've worked together, the Ultramarines militia has only this past week agreed to join the United States Armed Forces as a co-equal branch. Thanks and congratulations go to the UM leadership team, particularly Pfeiffer, for their hard work and commitment to the militia and to the United States.
