[Schmo4President] My VP and Cabinet

Day 892, 14:33 Published in USA USA by Joseph Schmo

Fellow Americans,

Since I released my last article stating my intentions to run for President, I have been bombarded with PMs asking who I have chosen to be my running mate. Of course, since declaring I have been faced with an extremely difficult decision, as there are innumberable eAmericans capable of competently filling that role.

As you are probably aware by now, most of my experience in government lies in the military and foreign affairs fields. Thus, when I went on a search for my VP, I looked for someone who could assist me when it comes to economic policy. To be quite blunt, I am very poor when it comes to economics, and it is only fair that my fellow Americans vote for a ticket that brings the whole package. Thus, without further ado, I am proud to announce your next VPOTUS:

Michael Lewis

If you do not recognize this name, then you are simply not eAmerican. This, my friends, is the man that has been at the forefront of eAmerican economic policy since before you were eBorn. Yes, my friends, this is the very man that proposed an economic stimulus package; a proposal that has, tragically, still not passed through Congress. Not only that, ladies and gentlemen, but he is an eGod (though, humbly, he continues to deny that he is). Voting against him is a sin.

While I have never yet had a chance to work with this man, I have seen his work and I endorse it wholeheartedly. If elected, he will be working closely with Congress to devise an economic plan that will bring the eUS success in V2 and beyond.

On that note, I would also like to take this opportunity to announce my proposed cabinet. I feel that when Americans are at the ballot box, they deserve to know what their entire government will look like ahead of time. I believe that I have gathered a cabinet of some of the greatest minds in eUS history.


The Schmo Cabinet

* Indicates that the person has yet to confirm their nomination

Vice President: Michael Lewis *
Chief of Staff: Kyle321n *
Secretary of State: Max McFarland II *
Deputy Secretary of State: GLaDOS *
Deputy Deputy Secretary of State: Dishmcds
Secretary of Defense: Joe DaSmoe * (mom said I had to...)
Deputy Secretary of Defense: Zoli *
Deputy Deputy Secretary of Defense: Uncle Sam *
Secretary of the Interior: Dan Wang *
Secretary of Media: David Jordon*
Secretary of the Treasury: Alby *

I challenge both Harrison Richardson and Gaius Julius to construct a better cabinet than what I have constructed here.

In my next article, I will be releasing my platform. As always, please feel free to shoot me a PM if you have any questions about my campaign. I will be happy to answer them in that article, as well.

Sincerely yours,
Joseph Schmo
Candidate for President

P.S.- I am still accepting bribes to drop out of the race.