[SBR4CP] My official cabinet

Day 1,533, 21:42 Published in Canada Ireland by Simon Boucher-Ruest

Me, after getting elected, chilling with the kitties I won't have to kill.

After my last article announcing my intention to run for CP, here is my cabinet.

Vice-President: eCanadian legend, the one and only, his holy greatness, ~hyuu~ emperor, Nosyt!

Minister of Defence: Multiple times MoD/dMoD, former CAF General, Captain Frenchy, jspoutine!

Deputy Minister of Defence: That girl is awesome, nuff’ sai😛 Mary Chan!

Minister of Foreign Affairs: MDP’s current Dictator, eCanadian great, Homer J Simpson!

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: A duo of political newcomers, who are dedicated to making eCanada a better place: Gary Hubert and KateyValentine!

Co-Minister of Information: Experienced eCanadian, 3-times Congressman and great writer, Teddyz.

Co-Minister of Information: The beloved voice from “The Northern Exposure”, Acacia Mason!

Minister of Finance: While he might have been inactive recently, he is more than capable of making a budget, and has a lot of idea, your boy Tantis!

And now, the lulz Ministers:

Minister of Butt: El Culo Grande, TemujinBC!

Minister of Shitty Internet Connection: Monkey-Land native, Zina80!

Minister of Gangsta Rap and Viking Metal: My boy T-Sizzle, also known as Tyrael Snow!

Minister of Unicorns: A 6 foot 1 Libra who likes long walks on the beach and books about unicorns, dick_dastardly!

Thanks for reading, and please consider me on the 5th!