Day 2,731, 20:49 Published in USA USA by Slybabymichele

It was a close race, but the Fed's have chosen BigCDizzle as the next Fed Party President. He has held the position before, I'm sure he will do just as good of a job as he did before. I would like to thank all of you that voted for me, I greatly appreciate it. It means more to me then any of you will ever know.

You don't have worry about me, I will always be here for my Fed members, I have more then enough work to keep me busy. I will be cutting back in some of the work I have been doing though. I have a backlog of new series to watch this season and I can't let RaccoonGoon finish his backlog before I do. Who could watch all that and run a party, but all kidding aside. It will give me some time maybe to catch up on stuff that I have been putting off since I joined this game for a year now. So until my next stop is called, it has been fun.