!samu-L's guide to spot PTOs+ PTO-blacklist!

Day 892, 10:20 Published in Austria Austria by samu-L
Dear fellow eAustrians,
Somewhat in response to PrinceOfAustria`s article about the countless multi accounts, which are being use by PTOs to gain an unfair advantage against us real Austrians (Whether we are rl Austrian or Austrian at heart doesn’t matter, we’re all part of this great community), I’m now writing this article on the masterminds of mischief themselves- this is the „PTO-blacklist“.

But before I’m going to accuse anybody I’m going to explain how to spot a PTO. They can be similarly spotted like multis, yet there are some slight differences. Spotting a PTO is way harder than spotting a multi. The reason is that they can be very active in many ways, and that they usually have a lot more friends than the 2-clicking multi accounts.
But how can we spot `em now? Well there are several methods to do so:

A PTO´s friends
Some PTOs (especially the ones who came from another country) have some- well…- lets say „foreign friends“ meaning there are some people in their friend list who are definitely not on our side in a war. It is easy to find such friends, as they are usually on the first pages of the PTO´s friend list (after all the PTO befriended them before he came to eAustria).
Sometimes you don’t even have to check their profile, because you identify them as „enemies“just from their avatar. Many Croats for example have their own flag as an avatar (especially the ones with the skull on it😁. Here are some examples for what I mean:


A PTO`s name and language abilities
Some PTOs have German names, since we are in a German-speaking country, and they have to adapt the best they can. If somebody uses a German nick, but hardly speaks any German….make an educated guess….yeah you’re right, he is probably a PTO
Some people even fail to spell their nicks right. You can actually find an example for that below.

A PTO`s activity
This only applies to one type of PTO: the pawns. They usually aren’t very sociable, yet they’re running for congress. Those are meant to spread in a country´s political organism like a virus. Their duties are to keep PTO-presidents from being impeached, and to grant other PTOs citizenship (for their plan to work it is vital for the „pawns“ to get as many of them into the congress)

I also want to remember that many PTOs are multi accounts, therefore they ca be spotted like those. Those accounts exist fort he purpose of undermining the citizenship-application-system, and getting a stable pool of voters fort he pawn –PTOs to get into congress. If you spot one of those, you should immediately report him to the admin as multis are not allowed.

Last, but not least I want to present you a list of PTOs (this isn’t a complete list, just some examples!). I might have accidentally written somebody on the list who isn’t one (😛), and I´m sorry if I have been unjust to somebody by calling him/her a PTO, but it’s better to have too many than too little people on the list:

First of all I’m going to state something many are thinking, but no one has dared to say yet.
If you take a closer look at the party „Free Austria“using the aforementioned methods, you’ll soon notice that this party is full of PTOs. I know that for most people here I’m just stating the obvious, but to think that PTO party got enough members in the congress to block an impeachment makes a shiver go down my spine.

Here are some suspicious individuals:

Susanne Maier (a PTO, congress member, and possible multi, look at the name🙂
Shegrt Hlapich
Dean Golubic
Erbo Heyser
Heinz Fischer (I put himon the list, because he uses a simple Austrian flag as his avatar which many PTOs actually do; the rl Austrian uses various simbols from our history NOT JUST A SIMPLE FLAG)
Manfred Hofer
Alexander von Hapsburg (every Austrian knows how to spell „Habsburg right“ sorry😁
Jonathan Hapsburg (same thing here)
Agent 022
Ultras Zrinjski
simens - boy
Gregoriew123(he who was one of the masterminds behind Hedera’s coup d’état is still ALIVE and well😁
Hari Gottfriedsson
Liechte Cavalliere (German spelling fail)
Markus Hoffinger

Now what’s the point in spotting PTOs, if we can’t do anything against them?
I hereby ask every real eAustrian in here to reject their friendship requests, to fire them out of your companies (they need a job and money or they can’t live here)- give them what they deserve….NOTHING!

samu-L[SoD and congressman]