Српске новине Бразила / Sérvio jornais do Brasil #1 [SR|EN]

Day 518, 01:00 Published in Brazil Serbia by Foxdesetubal

Поштовани суграђани,

као члан српске заједнице у Бразилу, покренуо сам ове новине прије свега како бих обавјестио вас Србе који сте у Бразилу о мојој кандидатури за конгрес на наредним конгресним изборима. Осим тога, настојаћу да обавјештавам српску заједницу у овој великој и пријатељској земљи о важним дешавањима везаним како за Бразил, тако и за дешавања у свијету а посебно еБалкану. Ипак тема овог броја ће бити предстојећи конгресни избори.

За сада мени није познато да ли постоји још српских кандидата за предстојеће изборе. Ја сам кандидован испред странке "Partido Republicano Brasileiro" у регији Сјевер, тј. "North". Мој је циљ јачање веза између еБразила и еСрбије и еБих (одакле сам иначе почео да играм), као и организовање наших сународника у самом еБразилу. Такође, успостављање координације играча са дешавањима у матици у надамо се предстојећим ослободилачким ратовима. Приоритет је успостављање алијансе са еСрбијом чим то буде могуће.

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First I want to thank you people of eBrasil for hospitality that your nation have show to many eSerbs that come to this ecountry from various reasons. In first issue of this newspapers I want to announce my run for congress seat in parliament of eBrasil, and write something about me and my goals. I am candidate of Partido Republicano Brasileiro in region North.

My e-history:

I was started to play the game in eBosnia&Herzegovina (eBIH) in first days of that country. I am by nationality bosnian Serb (in RL), and i wanted to help to develope eBiH in this game. But, after some political affairs in my ecountry managed by eCroatians marionet goverment, and eCroatian attack on eSerbia, I decide to move to eHungary from where I could fight for freedom of eSerbia and in other PEACE battles. I participate in resistance war in eAustria, after which that country was retaken from eGermany. With eSerbia under ocupation, and eBIH to much under eCroatian influence, I decided to search for new country in which I will find residency. eBrasil looked like good choice, and I move here with many of my conpatriots from occupied eSerbia. So, I am here for some time, I am working in Brasilian weapon company, and when it is available I am fighting in proPEACE battles. Altough I don't speak portuguese, I am trying to read local newspapers regularly using google translator.

Why vote me:

Well, my intentions are to become a some kind of ambasador of eBIH and e-serbian people in global for eBrasil. Also, I want to help in development of ebrasilian society, because I found friendy enviroment when I came here. I am not a "gold hunter", I just want to help my compatriots trough congress, and to make relations between eSerbia and eBIH with eBrasil as strong as possible. I am also a member of PRB so I will represent ideas of my party. I am resident of eBrasil, so if elected, interests of eBrasil will be my top priority. I got a lot from this country, so I want to help in its further prosperity. Strong eBrasil is in very best interest of eSerbs, wherever they eliving. I am open for any questions about my political activities. I know that there is no good reason why you should vote for eSerb rather than eBrasilian, but I hope that with this move I will regain your trust even if I do not get any votes from you.

Thank you.

Desde que eu uso o Google Translator, erros de sintaxe são esperadas pelo que esta questão dos jornais é não ter Português versão do texto.

Penso que o artigo é muito importante fazer algumas meias-frases corretas. Vou tentar escrever em Português no próximo artigo se que seriam necessárias.
