[槐]竞选总统!Run for president~

Day 835, 21:43 Published in China China by aliao

大家好,我是aliao,曾任10、11、12月份的总统。我在游戏时间3月3日的最 后三分钟决定竞选本月总统,关于我出来竞选的原因众说纷纭,其实原因很简单,因为本月 除武士外再无其他的候选人。不过既然出来竞选,那么没有一个施政纲领是很说不过去的。 以下即为我的施政纲领。

简体中文版 | 繁体中文版 | English version

- 加强国有组织号的利用和管理,规范各部门运作,减少各部门工作对具体某个人的依赖性。

- 对有权接触国有组织的政府人员进行风险防范培训,最大化规避国有组织风险,避免因操作 人员严重缺乏相关知识导致的国有组织被ban而给国家财产造成损失这类事件再次发生。

- 加强国家所出台过的政策法规的归档管理工作。

- 探讨在论坛成立档案管理处的可行性。

- 组织并扩招教育组人员,加强对新人教育工作

- 重新让福利仓库号运作起来,发挥其应有的效用:接受新人的求助,向低体力新人借出高星 面包及礼物救助,以及向出生在无医院地区的新人提供机票等。

- 设专人应对各种政治、经济及金融突发事件,对当前经济情况进行评估,分析游戏新模块对 eChina经济的各种影响。

- 继续致力于国土收复这一目标。


PS: 如我当选总统,我将在第一天颁布一条总统令:在eChina严禁男人穿低胸裙子于深夜 出没。

大家好,我是aliao,曾任10、11、12月份的總統。我在遊戲時間3月3日的最 後三分鐘決定競選本月總統,關於我出來競選的原因眾說紛紜,不過既然出來競選,那麼沒 有一個施政綱領是很說不過去的。以下即為我的施政綱領。

- 加強國有組織號的利用和管理,規範各部門運作,減少各部門工作對具體某個人的依賴性。

- 對有權接觸國有組織的政府人員進行風險防范培訓,最大化規避國有組織風險,避免因操作 人員嚴重缺乏相關知識導致的國有組織被ban而給國家財產造成損失這類事件再次發生。

- 加強國家所出台過的政策法規的歸檔管理工作。

- 探討在論壇成立檔案管理處的可行性。

- 組織並擴招教育組人員,加強對新人教育工作

- 重新讓福利倉庫號運作起來,發揮其應有的效用:接受新人的求助,向低體力新人借出高星 麵包及禮物救助,以及向出生在無醫院地區的新人提供機票等。

- 設專人應對各種政治、經濟及金融突發事件,對當前經濟情況進行評估,分析遊戲新模塊對 eChina經濟的各種影響。

- 繼續致力於國土收復這一目標。


PS: 如我當選總統,我將在第一天頒布一條總統令:在eChina嚴禁男人穿低胸裙子於深夜 出沒。

English version
Hello everyone, I'm aliao, had been the president of eChina in october, november, december, 2009. I decided to run for president in the final three minutes of yesterday, rumor said a lot about why I stand out and run for president again, but everyone who run for president should have an agenda, so here it is.

the operation of government departments
- Strengthening the utilization and management of national organizations, standardize the operation of government departments to reduce the work of the dependence of a particular person.

- Risk prevention lesson for government officials who have the right to access the national organizations in order to avoid the risk of the lacking of knowledge lead to ban the state-owned organizations have been losses to the state property of such incidents from happening again.

- Risk prevention lesson for government officials who have the right to access the national organizations in order to avoid national organization get ban again because of government official's lacking of knowledge.

Ministry of Information
- To strengthen national policies and regulations ever issued by the archive management.

- Explore the feasibility of the file management in the new forum.

Education and Welfare
The following measures will be taken for the common situation that wellness of newbie lower than 40:
- Recruit more people for education department.

- Let the national organization warehouse of welfarerun again: To assistance newbies by new lending them gifts and high-quality foods, and also lend the newbie tickets in the regions without hospital.

- A team to deal with economic and financial shocks, assessment of the current economic situation, analyze the effects of new game module on the eChina economy.

- Get our homeland back, this goal has never changed.

Finally, as before: an experienced cabinet.

PS: If I win, I will enact a presidential decree immediately: Men to wear low-cut dress (espacially in the middle night) is forbidden.