[RTK4CP] Final call for order

Day 3,391, 00:55 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

This is the state of our national debate at this moment.

So my question is should we hand control back to such monkeys if RUSTY D wins.

My answer is NO. Trito will die in his post.

You will need to raise 1 million to evict him from that seat the Irish Army will fight against you.

The benefactors willing to liberate us will be helped to other countries

The following people wont be recognized in whatever form of government or sub branch of government you want to place them Rusty D, Chance Harrision, Harliquinn and Winston Hope Smith. Kattiaa is on probation so we will see if she can change her attitude else the same will apply to her.

The Irish Army wont lift a finger to assist in the free'ing of Ireland