[Round up of CP elections] Blackbeard vs Raven

Day 2,388, 02:07 Published in Denmark Denmark by None

Dear Danish brothers and sisters, welcome to my humble newspaper. This is my first article, while being a Dane and today I wish to report to you about the incoming elections, in form off an interview between the Candidates.

Also with the personal answers we will analyse the articles that the Candidates have posted. All this in a single page to give out a clear picture about the Candidates and hopefully clear your mind of who should be worthy of your voice.

Without further ado, here are the facts with the voice of the Candidate ilphen:

" I'm running for CP. It's time for some change in the Danish policies regarding... well.. everything!
It has been too long since we actively did anything and June is the perfect month to become Pirates

" All of the my plans will obviously be in accord with PTO prevention and safety of the country, that's a nobrainer".

"Yes, that's my plan for June, I will turn Denmark into a pirate nation, which means tons of parties, lots of drinking, whoring and raiding whatever we can to continue drinking and whoring! The semihibernation of the past few months is annoying me, so the first thing I do will be to introduce a new government position: the coffee guy."

As a sugar in the bottom, ilphen talks about Air Strike:

" if I am elected I will be actively searching for a target for an airstrike. Yea I know it costs "a lot" of money, if you take into account that we are not really a toptier country when it comes to tax income, but well we do have some reserves and an airstrike would cost about 5-10% of that." - ilphen

"Pewpewpew" -ilphen

Here are the facts with the voice of the Candidate Zacharia Raven :

" My main goal for the next month is with all active members of eDenmark to prevent being PTO'ed. We continue our eternal fight against hostiles in all upcoming elections, and this dictates our national-level military strategy.

My secondary goal for the term is to further strengthen the communication inside Germark. We have come a good road, but there still is space for improvements! I have experience about improving the communication between alliance-members from Asgard, and I am confident that Germark can improve, too. In practice this means encouraging more IRC-participation and discussing other possible means of communication, too.

In-game communication is important. It is crucial that the normal people of eDenmark are aware about what is happening inside Germark and eDenmark, but also in the eWorld. Government will supply the necessary articles, but I will seek possibilities of supporting the Citizens of eDenmark to participate also.
" - Zacharia Raven

" Realistic targets - foundation of a good term " - Zacharia

Conclusion and the responses of Candidates

We asked both of the Candidates:

"What do you think about the other Candidate?
Example do you think he has a strong agenda? Could there / is there be a part of his ideas that could be done in your term? And last but not least, do you have any updates to your own agenda?”

ilphen responded:

Well, I think he is a veteran when it comes to politics and journalism. Everyone knows about his involvement in Finnish politics aswell as his history in Asgard. His articles are usually well structured and interesting but the campaign articles lack strong content or an agenda generally.

I have already pointed out a few things in my article and to be honest improving communication and managing the ATO are naturally part of the job. Another one would be having a cabinet and ministers, maybe that should be part of his campaign too. 😛

So it goes without saying both will be part of my term as well, but I do want to bring excitement and fun to Denmark and that is why I am focusing on the HOW. It is very important to have an idea about the term and I think Zack lacks that idea.

Anyway, I am proud to see that Denmark has grown so much and everyone understands that safety for the country comes first and it speaks for itself that we can finally have real election campaigns instead of having to decide on a candidate before the elections. I think this is a first since I joined Denmark in April last year and I am enjoying it and I think Zach enjoys it too. 🙂
I wish him all the best in the election and hopefully one of us(me) gets elected. 😃

Zacharias view on things:


Ilphen is very experienced candidate, and I’m honored to run for Presidency with him. His agenda seems to focus in having fun and possibly performing an Airstrike somewhere. In all seriousness I don’t see eDenmark performing a rogue Airstrike, as it might not suite well our economic status, nor the plans of Germark and Aurora. Airstrike might in fact come reality, as it has in the past, but it will not be only the decision of the President of eDenmark.

In addition to having closer relationship with the government of eGermany on IRC and otherwise, I will present eDenmark in the Aurora alliance. It is important that our government gets the information from there in real time, and that we are able to communicate within both Germark and Aurora about it. I believe this will benefit eDenmark.

Other issues that might come up we will discuss with Maine Coon and other members of the government. Thank you.

There you have it folks, battle between the Backbeard and the Raven starts 5.6. Happy voting for everybody and good luck to both Candidates, their themes might sound different but whoever wins, one thing is sure. Denmark will be a safe place in the future 🙂

- None out o/

Ps: If you would like to see more of these Non-sided (pun intended) articles about the President elections please show up your support on the comments.