[Rob4CP] The options are terrible, so have something else.

Day 2,994, 11:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Rob the Bruce

Told Dave he could run me if the potential options for CP candidates remained rubbish.


Right then... time to er... put my hat in a ring?

close enough

Right yes I am running for CP. As Rathena gives everybody 2013 TUP crap CP flashbacks and having Popovic is pointless without giving him full dictatorship and no congress , you have forced my hand.

I got policies tho. For this article I'll address that big thing, participation and stuff, and my cabinet


Anything immensely radical like burning down congress and replacing people like myself with a full blown dictatorship should be left to mongress and the people, so I'm not promising that.

However, the main whinges about the current system are generally something like this:

"omg Nifty don't include new players in their cabinets"
"omg it's always the same old people"
"omg I'm Sexaganarian and I'm never happy whatever you do"
"omg people can't find ways to get involved"

"omg the biggest problem with the current system is participation"

Well, fear not. If you feel you've been missing out on cabinet positions, throughout your eLife and think you're great and it's a grand injustice, I will find you:

Top 5 party PPs will be messaged and asked if they've got any active noobs who seem cool. If they do seem cool, hassled to get deputy minister positions

Might message the odd MU too for the craic

Dudes outside Nifty who I am sure are relatively competent will be hassled to see if there's any job they'd be willing to do

Epic flow chart of ultimate destiny will be looked at.

If in the end you're still not satisfied with who's running things, it's nobody's fault but yours.

If you're dying to get noticed by me and want to be part of the #bantssquad for the month, drop me a PM

Me if I win
-Rob the Bruce

Me if I lose