[RO] Interviul meu in "The Big Patootie"

Day 635, 23:26 Published in Romania China by mihail.cazacu

De curand redactorul ziarului american "TheBigPatootie mi-a solicitat un interviu. Datorita faptului ca intrebarile lui Exalted privesc aspecte interesante si pentru noi, reproduc mai jos continutul interviului (din pacate in limba engleza). Ar putea fi o idee buna pentru cititorii "Carpathian's Yell" sa se aboneze si la "The Big Patootie" ca sa-l ajute pe Exalted la castigarea unei medalii "Media Mogul", care aduce cu ea 5 gold. 5 gold de folosit impotriva PEACE.

Question (1): If the eUS was eliminated in the next week or so, how do you see this affecting the rest of the world? How would you feel about it personally?

Answer (1): This is not Real Life. The only way to eliminate eUS is to physically eliminate the players. If a country is overrun the players can operate in guerrilla mode. The companies become militarized meaning the workers and their employers work in close coordination to sabotage the economy of the invader and to accumulate the gold and the weapons needed for the Liberation War. Each firm doubles as a platoon, with all its workers fighting together according to the orders of the "Underground DoD". The main weakness of eUS was the lack of coordination: the players where fighting for the defense of their Real Life states in spite of the orders of the DoD. This way a lot of firepower was wasted. With the firms-as-platoons approach all the economic and military effort is coordinated.

Question (2): In your article, "How to Screw the Enemy While Making Lots of Money," you provided the beginnings of a rebel manifesto. What do you see as the largest hindrance preventing the eUSA from implement your advice?

Answer (2): The largest hindrance is the confusion many players make between Real Life and the game. The recent peace treaty with Peace is a fine example. The amount of "war reparations" demanded by Peace practically transforms the American government into a tax-collector for Peace. It is true the eUS is still free to assist its allies. But there will be not much money left for that due to the terms of the treaty. If eUS would have been overrun (which by the way was not at all a sure thing!!!) the tax-evasion schemes described in my article would have ensured the American organizations would have had the money to continue to fund the war against PEACE.

Question (3.) Is there anything that PEACE could do to limit these rebel actions?

Answer (3)
Due to the mechanics of the game there's nothing PEACE can do to counter a "guerrilla war". For instance the French government attempted a counter-measure by increasing the income taxes to 50% for the wood and iron companies given most of them were actually EDEN/FORTIS-owned. But most of those companies were already "militarized". Their employees kept working for the minimum wage and were compensated through tax-free donations. So the French "counter-insurgency" method failed.

Question (4): If eAmericans were able to overcome these obstacles and be successful saboteurs, what could we hope for in the future? Could PEACE be undermined enough to eventually regret their war?

Answer (4): The Americans and the American-owned firms in the occupied territories can and in my opinion should operate in "guerrilla mode". The peace treaty terms siphon a large amount of the taxes collected by the American government. However almost half of the American companies are located in California and Texas. If they go "the way of the guerrilla" the money they generate would be out of reach for the enemy governments. All that money would help America bounce back faster than anticipated by the PEACE strategists.

Question (5): Is there any other advice you'd care to share with the readers?

Answer (5) This game can be won if the players start understanding its mechanics and realize it ain't Real Life.

For instance, the gold needed to pay for export licenses so all the American-owned companies in California and Texas can start operating underground was less than the war reparations demanded for California.

For the less experience readers: when an American state is conquered all the companies there need to purchase a license in order to be able to sell their products on the local market. The cost of that license is 5 gold.

The number of American companies in the occupied states is ~900. Some of them weren't actually American or EDEN/FORTIS-owned. But taking 900 as the maximum number of licenses to be bought, the total cost would have been 4500 gold. That's 500 gold less than the "war reparations"/"fine" to be paid by the eUS in return for California. Add to that the cost of purchasing back the other states, each at a cost of 200 gold (those with no high resources) or 300 gold (those with high resources). Even if the whole eUS would have been overrun the cost of the licenses for all the American companies to continue to operate underground would have been less than the total cost under this treaty. Meaning it would have taken much less time to replenish the War Chest needed to put eUSA back on the map than it would take now to recover all the occupied states.

As long as the in-game peace treaties are not signed there is still a possibility to play the game the right way. And if the peace treaty is also signed in-game then the only hope of a fast recovery of eUSA lays with the firms operating behind the lines in "guerrilla mode" because the money they generate won't end up in the enemy hands.