[RO-HUN NAP]The peace was signed!

Day 1,702, 12:53 Published in Romania Romania by Impressyo

By ratifying this contract, the presidents of Romania and Hungary, representing the will of their citizens and countries , hereby agree to a Non-Negotiable and Binding Non-Aggression Pact between the two countries. This Pact is defined as follows:

I.Both Countries agree to prohibit any hostile military actions between the two countries; specifically defined as follows:

1.Direct military invasion and occupation of any territories owned or controlled by their respective countries. This includes any territories acquired by either country subsequent to the signing of this Pact as well as the territories originally issued to the country by the Administrators and Developers of eRepublik .

II.This Pact shall be in effect immediately after the signing by both the Presidents of Romania and Hungary and shall remain in effect and binding until exactly 5 august 2012. Subsequent to that month, the Pact shall remain in effect indefinitely but may be canceled by either country with the prerequisite that the country give a minimum of 24 hours notice before canceling the Pact.

This Pact must be signed by the following people in order to be ratifie😛

Hitman, President of Romania
Bosko Balaban, President of Hungary
Lego-kun, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania
Grocsev, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary

Once signed, the signee may not remove their signature from the Pact.

Ractificand acest tratat, presedintii Romaniei si Ungariei, reprezentand voia cetatenilor si a tarii, sunt de acord asupra unui contrat non-negociabil si obligatoriu de neagresiune intre cele 2 tari. Acest pact este definit in urmatorarele:

I. Ambele parti sunt de acord in interzicerea oricaror activitati militare ostile intre cele 2 state; specific definite astfel:

1.Invazia militara directa si ocuparea oricaror teritorii detinute sau controlate de tarile respective. Sunt incluse toate teritoriile detinute de ambele tari incepand cu data semnarii acestui Pact si deasemenea teritoriile originale are tarilor.

II. Acest pact va intra in vigoare imediat dupa semnarea celor 2 presedinti ai Romaniei si Ungariei si va ramane valabil pana pe data de 5 august 2012. Incepand cu acea luna pactul va ramane in vigoare pe termen nedefinit, insa poate fi anulat de una de cele 2 tari, anuntand cu 24 ore inainte cealalta parte.

Pactul trebuie semnat de urmatoarele persoane in ordinea ractificarii:
Hitman, presedintele Romaniei
Bosko Balaban, presedintele Ungariei
Lego-kun, Ministrul Afacerilor Externe roman
Grocsev, Ministrul Afacerilor Externe ungur

Odata semnat, semnatura nu poate fi eliminata din acest pact.

Astazi, 18 iulie 2012, Romania si Ungaria au ajuns la un numitor comun. Pacea dintre cele 2 state a fost semnata, razboiul a fost terminat. Sper ca v-ati bucurat de batalie din Crisana de azi-dimineata, a fost ultima in care ati putut lupta impotriva Ungariei intr-o lupta directa RO vs. HU. Tin sa felicit pe aceasta cale toate persoanele ce au luptat acolo, in special tankurilor, care au redevenit parte din armata romana! Felicitari oboj pentru damageul acordat Romaniei astazi!
Cat despre acest tratat, sedinta a avut loc acum putin timp, iar rezultatul se vede. NE-ul va fi sters, Romania s-a debarasat de acel ghimpe pe care il avea si nu o lasa sa progreseze!

Cu mai multe detalii va veni lego-kun, Ministrul Afacerilor Externe

Presedintele Romaniei, Hitman