[RO][EN]Crucea Mogulului/The Cross of the Mogul

Day 943, 13:37 Published in Romania Romania by ciuomolunga
[ro][CAMPANIE] Crucea Mogulului

Mereu cand am scris ceva am lasat deoparte partea cu subscribe, deoarece nu mi se parea un sistem foarte corect de a castiga o medalie MEDIA MOGUL (ce funky suna). Adica cum, dau sub o singura data si numai revin in viata mea (asa cum poate fac multi dintre noi printre care si eu) si asta inseamna ca acea persoana merita premiul Pulitzer?

Pana la urma ce e Corect pe lumea asta? 

Sunt sigur ca nu am eu inclinatii catre domeniul publicistic dar nene, MI S-A PUS PATA! Anul acesta am bac-ul, si desi sunt un jucator destul de activ (plang variantele dupa mine) nu pot sa spun ca am reusit sa fac mare lucru; cum V2-ul bate la gard, am decis sa fac ceva care sa ma ajute si pe mine si pe voi (mai mult pe cei mici).

Pun la dispozitie 1000 de paini q1 bogata in afanatori pentru viitorii 1000 de subscriberi. Toti care dau shout la articol, participa la un concurs in care marele premiu este o mica casa q1 (la cheie). Eventual daca bugetul imi permite voi mai anunta si alte premii.

Deci, mesajul dvs trebuie sa fie de forma:
V: numar S: numar +Shout (optional ptr cei care vor sa participe la tragerea la sorti)

Voi acorda toate ajutoarele in decursul a 6 ore de la postarea mesajului.

Va salut pe toti cu respect!

[en][CAMPAIGN] The Cross of the Mogul

Whenever I wrote something in my newspaper I’ve ignored the subscribe feature because in my opinion, the process by which you win the MEDIA MOGUL(sounds groovey) medal is a bit unfair. I mean what, I read an article, I subscribe and then never return to that newspaper (just like many of us do) and just like that the writer deserves a Pulitzer?

But then again, is there something Fair in this world? 

I am sure that my writing talent is somehow limited, but reader, I’M JUST SICK OF IT! This year I have to pass my baccalaureate and although I am quite the active player (I could actually study for my exams right now) I can’t say firmly that I’ve managed to achieve anything important; with V2 looking over our shoulders I decided to do something that would help both me and you. (especially the little ones)

I am offering 1000 q1 bread for the next 1000 subscribers. Everyone who shout’s this article will also participate in a contest in which the grand prize is a q1 house. I will eventually announce more prizes if I can afford.

So, your message should be like this:
V: number S: number +Shout (this is optional for those who want to participate in the contest)

The prizes will reach their destination within 6 hours from your comment.

I salute you all!