[RO/EN] Contul lui Bogdan_L a fost hackuit! Bogdan_L's account has been hacked!

Day 825, 23:36 Published in Romania Romania by dani36
English Version AFTER


In cursul serii s-a aflat despre hackuirea unui cont, respectiv cel al lui Bogdan_L.

Tot ce pot sa spun, din ce-am citit, este ca hackuitorul :
-> i-a schimbat mailul
-> evident parola
-> a sters toate articolele din ultimele 3 luni
-> probabil a luat toti banii (o suma mare de bani)
-> a schimbat si parola de la ORG

Cu totii stim ca Bogdan_L este unul dintre cei mai importanti romani, cei mai importanti eRepublikani si ca in fiecare dimineata cu TOTII ne trezeam privind stasticile sale deosebite.
Trebuie sa-l ajutam si sa semnat urmatoarea petitie initiata de Shadowman Fza.

CLICK Aici si scrieti SIGNED

Votati pentru a ajunge cat mai repede sus!

Respect Bogdan,

Yesterday, Bogdan_L's account has been hacked.He contacted a friend, Shadowman Fza, to ask for our support, because we are a community, we are friends 🙂 ..We should help Bogdan_L, the man who made every day statistics, probably the best statistics from eWorld.

I can say only that, the hacker:
-> changed his mail
-> changed his password
-> deleted many articles with MILESTONES
-> took the money
-> changed the Bogdan`s ORG password

CLICK here and write SIGNED

Respect Bogdan,