[RFA] Congress Again

Day 796, 06:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Radical Freethinkers Alliance

Last month, the Radical Freethinkers Alliance achieved a party record 10 congress seats. This month, we want to build on that even further to show that the Radical Revolution is just going from strength to strength. Fighting on, battling through, together always. So, here goes...

East Midlands

Busynurse1510 - Busynurse has had alot of debate brewing about him lately and has been questioned by pretty much everyone. The thing is though, he takes it all on the chin, always. Having served the East Midlands 8 times now, heck, he must be doing something right. If you want an honest, open and strong willed congressman, check out busynurse1510!
Gabriel McCook - This new RFA member has shown great potential in all political fields. Debating regularly with our seasoned members, we can promise a bright future from Gabriel!

Also watch out for; Dan Moir [TUP]

East of England

Andy Millward - Great guy, very enthusiastic and would be a fantastic congressman. We really don't know how he hasn't been elected yet; as he has said, "All work and no congress makes Andy a very dull boy". Make Andy your congressman!

Also watch out for; fsx121 [UKRP]


AltmerVampire - What can I say other than 'RFA Legend'? Back from Japan and ready to get straight back in, AltmerVampire is nationally and indeed internationally respected. He knows it all before we do!

Kreuziger - Another relatively new member, Kreuziger's shown desire and enthusiasm after flying in from France. Made the decision of who should replace UK's Finest in London very easy, and after his top5 manifesto, you should get what Kreuziger wants!

Also watch out for; GLaDOS [UKRP]


AlexGreen24 - New guy, wants it, and has moved a lot and spent a lot of time and money to try and get it; Alex for congress!

North East

Othere Salvatore - Navy man who knows his stuff, particularly in the current times. A great candidate who, after coming from the FDP has made some great RFA contributions! Vote Othere!

Also watch out for; Clash Fresto [BEP]

North West

70mD II - Not a new player by any stretch, but new to the RFA (in a roundabout kind of way) and has showed a lot of potential and skill. I've been told he knows how to get elected, but help 70md!

Also watch out for; James Glover [TUP]

Northern Ireland

Quigzy - Knows what he is doing, and has a lot of military experience. Fully deserves a congress seat to go with his Special Forces place!

Also watch out for; Luke Love [PCP]


Ben Clew - 2 time previous Scottish congressman that has worked and done a lot for them. Should get a third term, but in a highly competitive region, he needs you!

Blanemcc - Someone else who there's been controversy about, having won as a BEP candidate last month, but in the RFA, has been great. Scot in RL, Scot in eRep, Scot in congress;
Its blane!

Also watch out for; malta_1990 [TUP]

South East
KaisKais- What can I say about myself? I'll just leave you to make your own minds up; KaisKais is here!

Also watch out for; Raziel [UKRP]

South West

Joachim von Bremen - Experienced player, is always making people in the RFA and everywhere happy and deserves a seat. Besides, he has a German name. That's good enough if nothing else is. Where would we be without JvB?

Also watch out for; Mr Woldy [TUP]


Quaritch - The reincarnation of Hoth, one of the RFA's first PPs, back when we were the Free-Thinking Party. A great politician, back on the rise!

Also watch out for; Goku Jones [UKRP]

West Midlands

Skillz88 - Got his first, very deserved spell in Congress last month and I have full faith in him to do a great job again, just vote Skillz!

Also watch out for; FatefulDestruction [UKRP]

Yorkshire and Humberside

Sam Clewarth - Has worked well for the revival of the York City Council since winning his first term last month. He needs another month at least to finish the work he started. Sam for Congress!

Also watch out for; Iain Keers [TUP]

Well that's everyone, and we need one more vital helper: you. Because we need votes to get all these brilliant RFA people into congress just as they deserve. So, on the 25th, vote for your region's official RFA candidate!

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