[RFA] Breaking Barriers

Day 802, 13:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Radical Freethinkers Alliance

It’s been a long time since I’ve written in the party paper, and in that time much has change. We’ve had the most successful Party President in our history elected twice, we’ve smashed our targets for membership and having overtaken PCP and fought off the BEP, RFA are set for second spot. Make no mistake about it; our party is on the move. And this is a move upwards; it is a move towards activity and it’s a move towards electoral success.

Recently we’ve seen the largest election results that the party has ever had, with us getting 11 forum active candidates elected, beating the UKRP by one seat and coming only second to political giant TUP. After two terms under GGRyan as PP, we now have 410 members, a number that was dramatically falling underneath 200 and has risen due to fantastic articles and a great team effort PMing campaign. Forum and irc activity has skyrocketed and we are working together as a team and a collective, where the ideas of the individual are both welcomed and developed into ideas for the betterment of society.

In all areas of the military and government the RFA is becoming increasingly more influential. With several prominent cabinet ministers belonging to the party, and a great military tradition within our ranks (Containing the MoD, and the Navy CO and plenty of Ex-COs) the RFA is taking its message of working together and fairness right to the heart of British society. Our congressmen are constantly guided and advised by the RFA Lords (Myself and John Bartlett) and the process of setting up a Party Whip to check up on activity is being implemented.

In recent months the RFA has been the deciding factor in Presidential Elections. From canvassing voters to actual voting muscle on Election Day, we are instrumental in influencing elections, if not quite strong enough yet to fight our own. Our backing of presidential Dishmcds brought about an end to the left wing dominance over the Presidential Post, whilst in December our decision to field our own candidate instead of support Craig Rossiter lost him the election, and gained our party a great deal of publicity.

If you’re not in a political party, or are currently disillusioned with your party or simply even want a change, the RFA is the place for you. A place where individuals come together to forge out a new future for the country, a place where you can make friends, have a great time and make the most out of your eRepublik experience!

If you have any questions feel free to contact me or PP GGryan for more information!

IndieKid- Radical Freethinker

Be Radical.
Be Who You Want To Be.