[REPORT] Lead eCanadian Says Crisfire Must Go

Day 2,186, 23:08 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC

In a shocking revelation, TemujinBC has declared the following:

Crisfire is a butt and must leave on account of his douchiness. I mean, the guy is even worse than Homer J Simpson. I have proof and it's not pretty. Neither is his wife but let's not bring her into this. She just finished vacuuming and cleaning my dishes. I don't want to insult her too badly. But yeah she puts the UG in UGLY. Whose wife am I talking about here? Nevermind I need a drink. Ardikus is a wank.

It's not quite clear what the next step is in removing Crisfire from eCanada, but the public outcry will surely be enough to force him out.

Yours in Sutler,


PS I still love fishes