[RECCE's COMMS] Day 1642

Day 1,642, 18:13 Published in South Africa Poland by StanEslah


This last week has been hectic with taking over the MU, the proposed merger, the new eRepublik missions and the training war with Australia

Overall it has been a relatively good week, we are sitting with 15 active members. Reemond is a bit scarce lately but hopefully he will start fighting again

The following members ranked up in the last week, congratulations!

Niffobti ranked up to National Force***
PseudoPumpkin ranked up to Field Marshal**
Jo Mohr ranked up to Colonel*
Allyson ranked up to Lieutenant

Roll Call
Roll call attendance was dismal with only 46% attendance. A caution has been issued to all those who missed roll call

Please ensure that you acknowledge this weeks roll call by commenting below the article http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-recce-s-comms-roll-call-day-1642-1648-2038685/1/20

The merger vote failed to achieve a quorum and had therefore failed, should an updated proposal be put on the table, we will put it to vote again. For now we continue as RECCE's

I am looking for capable offices to assist with the running of the MU, if you are interested, please PM me

Training war and new missions
The training war with Australia is coming to an end, hopefully we will have active MPP partners which will allow us to fight. For now, take advantage of any resistance wars in Australia!

In order to maximize your strength at the lowest cost, you should upgrade your free training grounds to level 3 if possible, followed by 0.19g training. The 0.19 gold training costs should be recovered by the gold you receive from the super soldier medal

Keep fighting! Keep Strong!
