[RECCE's COMMS] Day 1634

Day 1,634, 03:14 Published in South Africa Poland by StanEslah


Battle Priorities
1st Priority
The 1st priority is the training War with Australia
We need to win the resistance wars and lose the normal battles. This will ensure that we are not wiped by mistake

Take advantage of these battles to:
Earn Resistance medals
Complete Natural Enemy missions
Earn True patriot medals

This is also a good opportunity to get a Battle Hero or Campaign Hero medal

Notes on Resistance wars:
You need to be in Australia to take part in the RW
You can work and train even if you are in Australia (no need to move back and forth)
Try and move between South African territories, this keeps the moving cost to 20 ZAR
If you are short of cash, PM me and I will assist you