[RDP] A New Party is Born!

Day 2,079, 12:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BigAnt

[RDP] A New Party is Born!

Fancy Joining Our party? Join Here

I had planned to release this article yesterday.. But that dam CSRF attack occurred.. and I lost my article *Fuming* Stormed off to bed. Anyway here is take two.

With a new party you would expect some sort of launch article singing from the rooftops declaring the beginning of this new adventure. Well that hasn’t been the case for The Radical Democratic Party (RDP) infact we are now 12 days old. The fact is, there was no point in declaring an empty party, with no vision, no future and no policy created by it's members.

However RDP is now the fastest growing party in the eUK.

With that we celebrated reaching 50 members in 10 days.. By bringing everyone together for a our first official party meeting (28/7/13). I want to thank the 17 attendees who made it to the meeting (34% turn out) for IRC this is fantastic and my mission will be to continue this promotion of IRC to RDP members. Start here:

RDP members and friends alike Please come and join us in our OFFICAL IRC room #RDP CLICK HERE

In the meeting we discussed many matters, basically building some foundations for our party to growth with. Heres what our members discussed and agreed on.


INCOME TAX - 7% Across the board
IMPORT TAX - 15% Food & 4% Weapons
VAT - 10% Food & 5% Weapons


● RDP members will strive to protect the eUnited Kingdoms core regions.
● RDP supports our membership in our current Alliance of TWO (The World Is Ours), a global alliance of friendly allies.
● RDP believes in maintaining the very low minimum wages in eUK to help support our nation's communes who are supplying the nation’s fighters.
● RDP is a democratic party. All major decisions will be made by vote.
● RDP believes Taxes should be best suited for the player, whilst not affecting the performance of the eUK strategy and national security.
● RDP will not impeach a CP, unless he/she is inactive, has stolen or has acted knowingly with the intent on harming the eUK.

This was what our party agreed upon. With time we will develop these ideas and ambitions.


Just a quick couple of notes for our members.
- RDP voted to create its own exclusive Military Unit (MU), Feel Free to Join us HERE
- We have slowed recruiting, to give more support and advice to our current members.
- New Avatars (Below) are being improved and changed to achieve a final version. Hopefully we will start rolling out the new #RDP avatars in the coming days!
- Country President elections are fast appoaching, Im awaiting final confirmation of who is running this month. RDP member will vote who we want to support this month in the coming days also.

(Draft Avatar)

Easy one! Just VOTE and YOUR VOTE NUMBER & Shout RDP Loves TACO’s
Note: Only RDP + TACO members can take part.
Prize: 5 Q7’s Tanks

Fancy Joining Our party? Join Here

All the best