[RB] There is HOPE!

Day 2,035, 06:50 Published in Belgium Belgium by Konrad Neumann

I woke up today with joy and happiness. I am extremely pleased with the eBE PP election this month as I believe there is HOPE for eBE. As I take up my post as PP of Res Belgica I look forward to work with my members as well as other PP's to secure what is best for our overall community.

I want to congratulate Maresal Lengas on his reelection. He faced a HOPE PTO and he survived. He is a dedicated Belgian who worked hard and true for his party and his country. He more than deserve his reelection victory. I also want to congratulate JdlF and Tony Clifford on their reelection. They are dutiful members of our community and I know they will continue their hard diligence to better eBE for all. Last but not least, I want to give a huge shout out to Tecuvo. I congratulate Tecuvo on a huge victory. It gives me HOPE that the voice of reason and moderation trumps the shouting of radicalism. The hard path to govern HOPE now begins and I wish you my very best in your efforts to bring hope back to HOPE and to rebuild its tarnish name. RB will stand with all these parties if it is needed.

I want to thank the voters who made this great result happen. Thank you for your confidence and faith. As the PP election is over, we will shift focus on the congress election. I encourage all RB members to consider a run for congress. We are having an official sign up list in the forums. Please sign up if you are interested as people who sign up will get preferred preference. I also encourage members who are not running for congress but wants to serve our country by becoming a blocker to sign up in that list as a blocker as well.

Depending on the space available, I will encourage smaller parties below the top 5 to contact me as possible guess candidates might be possible.

Once again, thank you for your support and congrats to all of the PP who won their election/reelection. The election is over and now it is time for us to get to work.

Lastly I condemn the illegal impeachment and NE of eUK vote started by PANDA member, G.W. Junior. His action was caused since his candidate in HOPE (Vincent Pain) did not win in a fair election. I urge all congressperson to vote no on both of these illegal votes. I think his actions jeopardize the security of our nation especially the impeachment vote.