Ár Coimhlint

Day 1,299, 16:28 Published in Ireland Ireland by

Hey Everybody,

I just wanted to give an update on the war(s). A lot is happening guys and more and more happens as we speak.

Anglo-Irish Front
-Ireland managed to regain all their original regions using the tactic of RW Shannon and invading Wexford. This, in turn, split their forces in two and allowed us to win both. I would like to thank all military units(both domestic and foreign) along with the regular citizens who did their best to do as much influence as possible.

President Irasian also wrote a update, which you probably already read, and said that he was seeking a peaceful end to this war. Though, the update also claims that the two sides aren't agreeing in their negotiations. I, for one, would love to see this war be over with so we could use our influence on Eden and Terra's ongoing war with One. Though, I'm not to sure which side the Uk would be on because they seem to be allying themselves with One. And they have their own One Avatars .

Canadian Front
-Canada is facing a tough enemy who were called upon by the UK. The Swedes! They bring with them the forces of One. Which further proves the point that was adressed in the first argument. Some of the allies of Canada on the other hand have made protecting Canada a priority. As seen here and here. Though, this did not have enough push to give Canada a victory. One prominent citizen of the UK showed his dislike of this fact in this article. If you want to help the Canadians, fight here.

Greek Front
-Greece is in trouble. They're facing a possible wipe by the Macedonians. With only three regions left, they're going have to fight for their eLives.I ask, nay, I implore you to support these people for they are some of the best allies a country could get. Many of them have been doing considerable damage in our battles. Their influence could be felt all throughout Ireland, especially in the media section where inspirational articles like this can be found.

Greece is currently receiving Eden's help with Croatia's war against Macedonia (Fight here to help their cause). With two wars facing the FYROM it might be able wear out their forces down to allow Greece to regain some, if not all, of their original regions. But so far thats not the case.

Norwegian Front
-Norway has joined the massive struggle against Evil. They are fighting the Swedes and the Estonians for their homeland. They have set up many RW against both nations. If their attacks fail they could be wiped. Currently our MPP with Norway is still in voting but it is sure to pass with a 35-Yes and 2-No status.

-We are in tough times. We need to step it up if we want to eLive to fight another eDay. You are no longer fighting just for eIreland, you are fighting for the future of her and her allies.
