[R&A] [No.30][翻譯][外電]專訪:Argrob

Day 1,602, 08:26 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by strangerthe

原文連結:Special Interview with Argrob

Hi dear friends, today I have a special article for you
I had an interview with Argrob, the highest level in game.

Some peoples say they saw to Argrob disconnected 😒

I don´t want wait more... here you have

1- How did you start play eRepubliK?
1- 你是怎麼加入eRepublik的?

I was called in a game from friend. He well knowing for my curiosity, and I was easily persuaded. The first month I've mostly played "Training -Working" game. And then I was invited to chat. Only then, did it all really began. Communication that develops along with the game itself is a real added value and makes the game alive.

2- What do you think about eRepubliK?
2- 你對eRepublik的看法是?

Each game, including eRepublik, in my opinion requires passion. What kind of game is, where we can watching events coldly? What kind of game is which does not affect us personally, at least a little? We are sometimes happy, sometimes sad. We love and hate, we persist in their own aspirations. As long as I manage to keep that sense of eRepublik, this is my game.

3- What is better? Society in game, or society out-game?
3- 遊戲中的社會還是現實中的社會比較好?

As I said, one complements the other. Choose one of them, It will look like you have a house without a foundation or roof. I believe that some like more one of these aspects, but I am sure that we are aware that they are interconnected.

4- Do you know more or less how many money have you spend in game?
4- 你知道你大概花了多少錢在這個遊戲上嗎?

I know exactly. For every purchase I got the notice and I keep them. Today is good to keep confirmation of any purchase. But the numbers will keep for myself.

5- What rate you give to Plato for his work in game?
5- 你給Plato對這個遊戲努力打幾分?

Never before I have not evaluated Plato. And, I will not even now. Plato is not here to working in game. From him we got the model. We working, within the model, as much as want or as much as you can. Players create game, Plato gives the legality of conduct.

6- What do you think is going be next important change in eR?
6- 你認為eRepublik的下一個重大改變是什麼?

I really do not know. Sometimes a small change can make a significant difference for each person. To me such significant change was the introduction of the possibility of buying gold for other players.

7- What do you think about bazoka 15k?
7- 你對每下1.5萬傷害的火箭筒有什麼看法?

After many hours of playing, I took a small detachment from active combat. I know that my hit with Q6 weapon greater than the benefits brought by bazooka, and perhaps will contribute to increase my influence in the fight. But looking at the overall, most players have kick less than 10k, so it is perhaps better to remain thus for the time being.

8- Whats your favourite module? Whats the worst?
8- 你最喜歡這遊戲的哪一部分?最不喜歡的?

If I well understand, this is a question about the parts that make up the complete game, not the versions of the game. Without war module would not exist politically. Also it would not existed economic modul without war. Without political control we would not have the economy. Within this, we have a complex communication between players and theirs, more or less, positive desire to prove.
I like to watch the full complexity game and I always tried to follow all modules equally.


9- What is for you "tank" ?
9- “坦”一詞對你來說是什麼?

Passionately and committed enter to the fight, not thinking about self-interest. Accept the victory or defeat with dignity, without insulting the opponent. Persevere in efforts to make yourself better, not worse, and never give up.
I will respect such person and named as "tank", regardless of the damage done.


For end, he sai😛 "p.s. I'm sorry for my bad english. I hope that will be understandable."

This is a special interview for all my friend


1st edition:感謝Nekolan指正