[QN] Official: CAF Restructuring Plan / Plan de Restructuration des FAC

Day 665, 03:17 Published in Canada Canada by hawkerhunter07
This CAF Restructuring Plan has been made by Lt. General Marcchelala and approved by eCanadian Prime Minister Jacobi.

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Many of the CAF Soldiers must have realized some changes that were operated on the CAF Sections of the Forum. Let me explain what is happening.

One of President Jacobi's objectives this term was a partial restructuring of the army, mainly by modifying the Reserves and re-instating training platoons.
After some negotiations between me, marcchelala (20th Omegas Reserves Platoon Leader), and Prime Minister Jacobi as well as his Deputy Prime Minister William Duncan, I was able to draw a plan for this CAF Restructuring, which I illustrated in the charts and graphs below.

This Restructuring plan was discussed for a week in the Officers Lounge, then a meeting was held, and the plan was officially approved by the Prime Minister, and I started working on it, along with General of CAF Coda.




In summary, the main objectives of this Restructuring plan are: reduce the workload on a single person, improve efficiency of the CAF, allow for a greater expansion of the CAF, improve communication, and on a further step improving the supply system.

This Restructuring will be applied progressively over several steps starting with the Reserves, Rangers then Regulars, and ending with the Elites.

As you can see, this plan involves adding new positions:
Lieutenant General (Section Leader)
Colonel (Division Leader)

Right now, the Colonels' only duty is supplying and divisions are only for supply. We are making them organizational, therefore the Colonels' duties will increase, as they will become a sort of helpers to the Personnel Manager. This meaning that the current 3 Colonels in the Regulars will become Full Time Colonels.

The Lieutenant General will be in charge of a Section of the CAF (Reserves, Regulars, Rangers, and later on Elites), and will be some sort of helper to the General of CAF.
I have been promoted as Lieutenant General for the Reserves. I will although keep on assuming the duties of Omegas Platoon Leader until we find a replacement.

New platoons are being created, so we will also need additional Lieutenants.

Please note that these charts illustrate a greater extension of the CAF that will not be reached before November/December. Until now, we will only have 1 Rangers division and 1 Reserves Division. Elites won't be separated from the Regulars until a further step, in a couple of months.

If you are interested in filling any of these vacant seats, please contact your Platoon Leader. Platoon Leaders are required to report to General of CAF Coda, Personnel Manager Connor MacLeod and to me (marcchelala)

Additional articles will be released to keep you updated.


Lt. General Marcchelala