[Proteus4Poteus] The Value of Community

Day 4,519, 20:01 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

In the approximate month since my return to eRepublik I have been struck by both the changes in our community and how many mainstays are still clicking away. When I was told the eUSA forums are no longer utilized by the Executive administrations I was more than a little saddened. For years we have squabbled about tax rates and government expenditures. Circa 2013 we had a max tax rate and still ran a healthy deficit. Then came the work tax and the coffers filled. So we argued about rates.

I say we because for a very long time I was right in the midst of this argument. For a time I was one of the leaders of the low tax crowd. Then I became CP and saw first hand just how important our reserves were and I reversed course on cutting taxes. Let us not forget USAF. USAF for a very long time was the subject of monthly Congressional food fights thinly disguised as budget discussions. Eventually USAF was cut off from public funding and set adrift.

You might be asking yourself what is my point? My point is now we are in a time of unprecedented plenty in terms of government revenue. Our community is smaller than ever, we have a minimum tax rate, and the coffers overflow. Now is the time to reinvest in ourselves. We can be limitless in our creativity in doing so. The Executive and Congress give back thousands and thousands of cc every day through the CRAP program. I wonder though where are the Interior, Education, and/or Department of Citizen Affairs programs? Why have we not reinvested in USAF and/or USAAC? Yes our community has shrunk, but these Departments and MUs have a proven track record spanning more than a decade in successfully strengthening the ties that bring us together.

I have heard from more than a few people that the meta community is dead. I agree and disagree, our community is dead when we decide it is dead. I have had the privilege of elected and appointed leadership in eRepublik many times. I have consistently seen that when a group decides to rededicate themselves to fostering commonality and reengaging with the players around them they are succesful in doing so. Yes many have left us for other various and sundry pursuits, yet if you are reading this you are still here. All is not lost, nor will it be until the final player logs off for the final time.

It doesn't have to be like this....

Which brings me to my good friend Paul Proteus. I have known Paul for 7 years now. I returned to erepubilk in April of 2013 after a more than 3 year hiatus. Paul was one of the many leaders of the Federalist Party and a strong contender for Country President. I was his Secretary of Media July of 2013 during his term as President. It was my first ever Secretary level post. I will never forget that it was Paul who gave me my first chance at proving myself in what was a long climb to CP. Thank you for your vote of confidence Paul. SecMed was no easy gig 7 years ago and you trusted me to do a good job. I hope that trust was rewarded.

Many of you know Paul so what I am about to tell you about him is likely not anything you do not already know. Paul is a calm and level person. In the waning days of Unity elections many in the Federalist Party myself included felt Paul's campaign for CP in June of 2013 was unfairly derailed. So it was that we the largest Party in the eUSA geared up for political war against the rest of the Unity Coalition. Paul shut our war of outrage down before it was able to really get started. He calmly and eloquently reminded us of the mantra Country>Party>Self.

In the years since there have been times when we as a Party fought amongst ourselves in regards to the direction of the Federalist Party, throughout those times Paul has always been a voice of reason. I am not sure if I have ever outright told him this, but I have immense respect for him and his ability to calm others enough to allow cooler heads to prevail. I have never seen him take a position on an issue that is for his own personal benefit. He truly is one of the glue people of our community.

Now we have Paul launching a campaign for President of the eUSA. He is campaigning on revitilising our community. Restoring old traditions. In short his ideas warm my oldfag heart. He has my full support in spite of his selection of myself as Secretary of Media. I am voting for Paul Proteus tomorrow because I still believe in the eUSA. I still believe this game is better when we play it together. I hope you will join me in voting for Paul Proteus on April 5th 2020.