[PROJECT] Croatian Falcons 1st week rewards - HR/ENG version

Day 3,928, 15:33 Published in Croatia Croatia by Rompers Tractor Rent

Hrvatska verzija [ENGLISH VERSION BELOW]

Pozdrav svim Hrvatima i Hrvaticama,

Prvi tjedan Hrvatskih Sokola je iza nas. Kao što sam napisao u prethodnom članku [PROJECT] Launch the aircraft of eCroatia - HR/ENG version, hrvatski igrači koji se budu borili u zračnim bitkama će dobiti nagradu od Zdlemmya i mene.

Ako si pilot i želiš se pridružiti projektu, možeš pročitati gore navedeni članak i pristupiti projektu. Također, ako se ne želiš pridružiti projektu a voliš se boriti u zračnim bitkama možeš se pridružiti vojnoj jedinici.

Zbog zlouporabe obrasca za nagrade, morali smo uvesti dodatna pravila, zato vas molim da još jednom dobro pročitate ovjde.

Svaki utorak ćemo donirati određeni iznos valute od vašeg doprinosa u zračnim bitkama.

Kao član HRVATSKIH SOKOLA, svaki utorak čekat ćemo reset tjednog poretka, gdje ćemo vidjeti koliko ste napravili štete i killova u zračnim bitkama. Dobit ćete određeni iznos valute sukladno vašem doprinosu u zračnim bitkama.

Lista donacija za prvi tjedan Hrvatskih Sokola:

Top 5 po killovima u zračnim bitkama su:

Igrač majic01 nije u projektu zato što nema uvjete za projekt (ima veći air rank od dopuštenog). Tako su prvi tjedan top 5 po killevima: JoeLLL, Orange Black, biks0n, SusiloRepublik and Mare2407.

Ovaj tjedan je projekt dobio 100g od Plato zaklade, te je podijeljeno sveukupno 26.100 cc igračima.

Želimo se zahvaliti našem sponzoru. Ako želite biti naš sponzor i za pomoć jačanju naše zajednice donirati određeni iznos valute, valutu slobodno možete donirati meni osobno.

Svaki pridonos se računa, stoga slobodno podržite projekt i kliknite Endorse za ovaj članak kao i prethodne članke te one koji će biti izdani u tjednima koji slijede - tako prikupljeni iznosi bit će također usmjereni u fond nagrada za projekt.

Ukoliko imate kakvih pitanja ili prijedloga, slobodno se javite ingame porukom ili na feedu MU.

Do sljedećeg puta,

English version

Hello everyone,

The first week of Croatian Falcons is behind us. As I said in previous article [PROJECT] Launch the aircraft of eCroatia - HR/ENG version, Croatian players who will fight in air battles will receive a reward from Zdlemmy and me.

If you are an air player and you want to join the project you can read the above article and how to apply for the project. Also, if you don’t want join the project and you love to fight in air battles, you can join the military unit.

Because of the abuse of the reward form, we had to introduce additional rules, so please read them once again here.

Every Tuesday we will donate you amount of currency based on your contribution in the air battles.

As a member in the CROATIAN FALCONS, every Tuesday we will wait for the reset of Weekly Leaderboards - there we will check how much damage and kills you’ve made in air battles. Based on your contribution in air battles, you will receive an amount of currency, as described in the introductory article.

List of donations for the 1st week of Croatian Falcons:

Top 5 by kills in air battles were:

Player majic01 is not participating in the project due to his aircraft rank being higher than Chief Master Sergeant* which is currently the highest eligible aircraft rank when joining the project. So the 1st week’s top 5 by kills are: JoeLLL, Orange Black, biks0n, SusiloRepublik and Mare2407.

This week, the project received 100 g from Plato Foundation, out of which a total of 26,100 cc was awarded to participants in the project.

We would like to thank our sponsor. If you want to be our sponsor and help strengthen our community by making a donation in currency, feel free to make a donation in currency to my account.

Each and every contribution counts, so feel free to also click the Endorse button in this and articles that were published previously (or will follow in the coming weeks) - the amount collected from endorsements will be directed towards the rewards fund for the project as well.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me via ingame message or MU feed.

Until the next time,