**Privatized Healthcare in eCanada**

Day 660, 00:10 Published in Canada Canada by Alaricus

This is in response to TemujinBC's recent article called CLM Volume 3 Freedom Isn't Free.

Viewers, read those first, before continuing to read my Article.

You brought up many good points, some I agree with, and some I don't. Let me first explain a little bit about where I am coming from.

I was born when Canada was all but taken. I was born a French citizen, on day 627. I grew up in a time where there was no Canada, and it was confusing. I can honestly say, Canada was in disarray. I remember the first thing I read, cannot remember who it was from, but it was in an article. It went along the lines of, "You can't fight something that isn't there". Canada was off the map, and it was horrible to see my country like this, but it was also such an amazing experience to see, help, and fight for all our provinces back. I think growing up in such a time has made me stronger actually.

Now I see both sides to this.

Rylde is saying, that the funds should go to the war effort, and I kind of agree with him. Before we can start rebuilding, we need to have ALL of our provinces back, and make sure we will not be attacked as soon as this has happened. Why? Because in the past I have seen nations build hospitals(Lots of Money), only to be destroyed a week later by another invading country. *Cough* Russia *cough* California *Cough*

Building a hospital now is like gambling with your money, whether it be the money of the Governments or a bunch of good Samaritans. It doesn't matter.

Even if this hospital was built by Businessman who are not supported or funded by the government, it still could be destroyed in a short amount of time. All that gold could have been put elsewhere. We could be attacked at any time, specifically by Iran or Hungary.

If we did not have a Hospital, I would agree with you, but we have one in Alberta, and it is sufficient enough in times of war. Now, yes it sort of destabilizes the economy, because everyone floods to Alberta, but the economy is already destabilized, because we are in a time of war. The fact is, we need to make sure WWIII is over, before we can rebuild hospitals all over the place.

In regards to the Taxes, well, how do you think the government gets funded? In a time of war, those taxes are crucial, and taking them away would cripple their power. So NO to the tax cut in my Opinion.

Now, am I against Private Health Care(As I like to put it)?


Why? because if a group of people want to get together and build hospitals for Canada, using there own money, then who am I to say no. Hell, they should be given a medal for doing Canada a service, but do so with the Taxes still flowing to the government, and do so when Canada is not still occupied.

Food For Thought.

Stay Strong Canadians

Alaricus Out.

PS- Q5 or None at all