(Prince) My absence

Day 951, 07:01 Published in Austria Austria by PrinceOfAustria

Me & Princess at the Donauinselfest
Dear friends

You have probably noticed I am rather inactive right now. I still do my daily tasks, answer all messages and so on. I very rarely join the IRC, but I do from time to time.
I just wanted to let you know that I have not stopped playing, but I reduced my effort due to RL. It's the last week of school right now, I celebrate that a lot with my friends.
Additionally, last week, the worlds biggest free open air festival took place in vienna (3.000.000 ppl in 3 days, see picture above) so I was busy.
Soon, holiday will start and I will probably have more time to play, which i will do.
However I clearly put my RL on the first place.
I am not sure if I will keep playing in V2, but I'll give my best to adapt to this, in my oppinion totally different game.

So - hopefully see you all soon again - and don't be mad, but I realized the importance of my RL 😛

Greets, and until soon,

PS: Paul van Dyk \o/