[PrimeMinister] UK Forums; Where The Fun Really Goes On!

Day 1,053, 09:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by GGRyan
The eUK is entering a time where alot of our last generation is slowly losing interest and drifting away. Where we need new congressmen and soldiers, Ministers and Commanders. Be a part of the next generation of the eUK.

The eUK Forum; Where The Fun Really Goes On!

Did you dream, when first entering eRepublik, of becoming President, or leading the country in War?

Well, I think we all did. But what really made me sit where I am today, as President of the eUK? Well, on my second day into the game I found the eUK Forum. I looked around and initially, it is true, I didn't know where to go. I decided to introduce myself and then wandered around in the overall eRepublik section, General, and then settled in for the night, seeing no more that I could do after reading the media and posting a few posts.

I managed to get myself a job after appealing for an Apprenticeship in that General section. I began my eLife as a lowly Ministry of Trade Apprentice and then, the next month, I was promoted up to Underminister of Trade. This meant I got my own little team; yeah, sounds cool right? After more Underminister positions across the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Legislative Affairs, fastforward a few months and I had hit the heights of Cabinet; becoming Minister of Legislative Affairs.

This was good fun. Serving under Woldy, it felt like we were really in the know. I continued to believe this and yet, still wanted to know more. I did my job, and after a break, got the role of Minister of Foreign Affairs. This role gets to know ever more sekrit business, and commands an even larger team. I dreamt on and wanted more.

I now sit in front of you and I did get to what I thought when I first joined eRepublik. Its taken over a year, but it goes by with nothing and it is well worth it. But what is key to my success overall?

The eUK Forum; Where The Fun Really Goes On!

PM me if you need anything at all; I am the Prime Minister, after all! 😉 I'd also like to throw in a thanks to everyone who voted for me and put me into this seat today; your votes are not forgotten and much appreciated 🙂
