[Pres]Congress instructions and a facepalm

Day 1,183, 09:32 Published in Singapore Singapore by Parrington

Hi everyone.

I'll start off with some instructions to congress.

1. Vote YES on the peace proposals

This is important.

The last thing we want is the vote being defeated for some obscure reason and us having to defend PM again. So please Vote YES

2. Vote NO on the New Citizen Message

'What?' I hear you say, 'Vote against his own proposal? Has he gone mad?'

Ladies and gentlemen, I present unto you, the Fail of the week

Otherwise known as,

Let me explain...

When writing in the new citizen message, you are presented with a screen which (helpfully), put the old citizen message in the 'propose' box. By some complete moment of idiocy, I managed to re-propose the old message.

Yeh, well, sorry about that. The new message will be proposed as soon as this vote is over.

Oh, and before I go, I'll give congress advanced warning of a tax change in the near future. As soon as the vote's up, I'll update this.

In the meantime,

Stay Safe, Singapore!