[PP-UKRP] Mada for PP!

Day 1,934, 07:13 Published in United Kingdom France by Madacaion

Mada for PP

So the time has come, I’m running for March Party President of UKRP.

Firstly who am I?

- 6 month UKRP member
- 1x vPP of UKRP
- 1x vCP of eUK
- 1x General Cabinet Advisor
- 1x MoLA


- Host and creator of eUK radio with the wonderful 5Butjam
- Driving force behind the management and construction of gov.erepublik.co.uk
- Editor of my newspaper: Viewfinder

What do I aim to achieve?

Headline Figures and Policies

- Increased membership (Total) – 130+
- Congress seats – 4 (5 with space for 1 small party to run under us)
- Increased UKRP communication
- Training and development plans for party, congress and cabinet roles
- Cross-party Communications

I will consider my term to be a success if we as a party achieve all of the above. This will not only help us in terms of useful work being completed but will also provided plenty of opportunities for everyone to get involved!


Increased membership will be down to the recruitment team working hard and us leading the way for the rest of the eUK to follow. Our party is a beacon of democracy – true democracy where every member has the opportunity to achieve and every member has an equal voice. By building upon this with the rest of our activities, excellent community and strong morale focus we will attract like minded individuals and retain existing members.

I will be aiming have at least 4 UKRP members within congress. I will also open up talks with other parties to allow them to run under us if they wish. We will also provided them with our congress training [see below!]. Parties that approach UKRP will be put to a general membership vote – with the highest percentage party being offered the seat(s).

Increased UKRP Communication
Earlier I boasted about the UKRP community and how I consider it to be one of the most active and friendly in the game. Lets hit up a few stats:

Post per day average in forum: 57 (last 22 days)
Total posts in forum: 1254 (last 22 days)

Max 25 members in #UKRP.private (active and excluding party meetings)
Max 35 people in #UKRP

In fact we have members from across the world IRL – our private channel constantly has people online and chatting in it. I’ve had discussions with different members right the way through the night before – I was tried to avoid doing a lab report admittedly – but activity is there.

But we can improve. I will revitalise our mass message system. I will ensure that every member has a voice, knows they can use it and is given every opportunity to do so! We have the best community. Lets make sure that it is inclusive of everyone!

I will also aim to ensure that a UKRP article is out every 2 days, although not at the sacrifice of substance. I will have a rotating spokesmen role (1 week placements) allowing a number of people to have the opportunity to release on behalf of the UKRP

Training and development plans for party, congress and cabinet roles
UKRP has a wealth of experience. Its time we passed it on in a structured manner. As such as PP I will be asking the ex-PP’s, Congress Members and Cabinet Ministers to write about their own experiences, responsibilities and tips. We will educate our members who aspire to advance their political careers – producing people who are dedicated, reliable and educated to their role. UKRP has the talent and the drive, now its time to formalise it and distribute it!

Cross Party Communication

UKRP has a strong set of principles and policies. While we will not compromise due to external pressure on these, we do welcome communication and discussion on all areas of eRepubilk and eUK governance. As such I’ll be attempting to open communication with all march PP’s, regardless of previous divisions, in an attempt to demonstrate common ground, break down stereotypes and ensure an eUK where we remember, at the end of the day, we’re all on the same side.

Final Words

I’m a do-er. I’ve worked on plenty of bigger projects and have been involved in politics of all levels. My drive and commitment to the UKRP is unrelenting. We have huge potential within the eUK . I will help us achieve it.

You’d be Mada not to vote for me!

~ Madacaion