[PotUS] Good Night and Good Luck

Day 1,353, 16:53 Published in USA USA by Blank Keating
My fellow Americans,

My term is over. After the end of today, I'll be packing in my things and leaving the White House I've done so much in for the last month. This term was hugely successful, not just for me, but for my cabinet who selflessly slaved away, and for every American who has reaped the benefits. I had a great team who were active and supportive, and I couldn't have done anywhere near as well if I didn't have them. All of you owe everyone in this list one million United States dollhairs.

Shall we look back fondly, mayhap in a montage, at what my cabinet accomplished together this month? Why not?

- The American Resistance.

- Pioneered new ideas for transparency, including the press conference, progress report, and a few appearances on blogtalkradio (namely WWW).

- Received overwhelming support from TERRA, and played a hand in the liberations of Brazil, Canada, France, China, Russia, and Argentina. Just to name a few.

- Revived and rejuvenated government papers including the DoD and the WHPR.

- Reestablished friendships in Greece and Argentina, and supported Cyprus joining TERRA.

- Recovered 4 native resources and didn't totally destroy the economy. Also cut down on emergency spending, much to the relief of Evry.

- Continued programs such as Meals on Wheels and the Mentors, and revived ones like the Pony Express for today's New World.

- Completed all three campaign goals pre-bug (recover Indonesian and Hungarian states, increase population) and delivered on promises for increased president publishing and an open door message policy.

- Publicly denounced PTH for his treason and continued deceit to the American people.

- Reached out to the JCS military (for what it was worth) and continued coordinating damage with TERRA and militia leaders in the indispensable NSC.

- Overall, didn't ruin everything. Also, saved America from terrible elitism.

And now the torch will be passed. I'm not going to make an official endorsement because I'm such a class act 😛 but I'm confident whoever it is will continue fighting the good fight against our remaining ONE occupiers and taking care of our citizens at home.

For all the talking and the plans, my main goal when I ran was to make this game more enjoyable for the average American than last month, even if just by a little. I hope I did that for all of you.

And now I shall take my leave, start publishing my once a week DoE article as always, help kill the last two invaders, and maybe get a life or something. Thanks again to all of my cabinet, my supporters, my voters, and the friends I made in TERRA, EDEN, and at home who made this term successful and enjoyable.

Peace, I'm out of here,