[PotUS] A Unique Opportunity

Day 4,551, 21:45 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

Greetings fellow citizens of the eUSA! To start off this article I would like to say thank you to those of you who put your trust in me with your vote. My team and I will do everything in our power to justify and repay that trust. Before launching into the meat of this article I would like to also thank Groot for his service to the nation for the last 3 months. He and I have different styles when it comes to leadership, but he is one of the hardest working players I have ever seen in this game. For 90 days he gave the eUSA his all. As he stated in his farewell article he is stepping away from eRepublik to deal with a serious illness within his immediate family. As a survivor of stage 4 blood cancer my heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to Groot and his family. May they find whatever they need during this most difficult of times.

As the title of this article implies, we here in the eUSA have a unique opportunity before us. Yesterday as the votes came in and victory became more and more of a reasonable expectation, my team and I started to congregate in Discord channels and in game messages. As we discussed our various plans and goals, Melissa said something to the effect of we are going to rebuild the Executive from scratch. We have an opportunity for all of those with an interest to come together and build something. We can and will build something that will both honor cherished traditions of the past, but also be shiny and new. We do not have to be slavishly shackled to old institutions because to be frank many of those institutions have laid dormant for a year or more. We do not have to tell the new players or newly returned player to get in line this is the way it has always been. We can instead invite them to join us and become a part of a community in the midst of revitalizing itself.

So it is that over the next month(s) players in the eUSA can expect to see: WHPR publications, Daily Press Briefings, Interior publications, DoCA publications, domestic programs returning in bunches, increased communication and coordination with the MUs, more Executive interaction with Congress, and much much more. All of those things I believe are important to the long term health of the eUSA and our community. However, recent times have shown that they do require constant attention and care to perpetuate. In short these institutions may not last over time. We will however build something that will last. Interpersonal relationships.

What does that mean? You might be wondering. Over the course of my previous terms I came to realize my favorite aspect of being President was all the people I would get a chance to work with and know that otherwise I would not have. I also enjoyed seeing the members of my Cabinets do the same. Two prime examples of this are MrCarey, and Aramec. I got to know MrCarey when he was a member of WTP during my first term. He contacted me to inform me that the Secretary of Education was not running the programs under their purview. I invited him to replace that derelict Secretary of Education and for the next two terms he did an amazing job, and the two of us got to be fast friends. Aramec and I were not friends; we ran against each other several times for the privilege of being electorally destroyed by Gnilraps. Both times I won the race for second place. However, a year or so after those grudge matches, Aramec was my Secretary of Interior and I believe the first Secretary of Citizen Affairs. He was excellent and when he ran for CP two months later I gladly supported his run. In the midst of this during that term Aramec and MrCarey became fast friends. Personality wise they could not have been more different but working together they came to like and respect each other a great deal. MrCarey was Chief of Staff during Aramec’s term as President.

It has been less than a day, but I can already see bonds of respect and friendship forming in my current Cabinet. People who normally would not get a chance to know each other except maybe through Congress; which let’s be honest no one is their best self in Congress; are now going to work together meshing their ideals for a common purpose. These friendships and relationships will last the test of time. I still have contact with more than a few eRepublik friends who have hit the exits for Real Life. These bonds will improve Inter-Party relations. Giving each group a seat at the table while we rebuild and renew will give those groups a sense of ownership. There is a reason homeowners typically treat their dwelling better than renters. If our community feels they have a stake and a voice in the goings on of the eUSA they will engage. They will look forward to logging in to read the latest WHPR, laugh at the Daily Press Briefings, take part in a contest, or hit that fight button to defend the eUSA. We will begin to pull in a common direction once again.

My forte over the years has always been on the domestic front. I have worked with Allies, negotiated with enemies, waged wars, deflected Airstrikes, and more. However, until now I have not been President during an invasion of the caliber we look to be facing. I believe eRepublik is close to one of the tipping points that inevitably occur. Right now the world is unbalanced ASTERIA has nearly every CODE nation wiped. The situation is reminiscent of when TWO absolutely crushed CoT. Things began to rebalance with the short lived SIRIUS and ASTERIA. I cannot promise you a miracle. Serbia is sitting on our cores and is marching along. We will do our best to be organized and work in tandem with our Alliance to resist them and the rest of ASTERIA, however as I have said we are not on the stronger side and a rebalance seems to be imminent. We have weathered this before and we will do it again.

I have assembled a team of eager players in Pimpdollaz, Shiloh13, and Aersidius to begin talking to leaders around the eGlobe in order to protect and further the interests of the eUSA. The situation facing us is a challenging one, but again it also presents a unique opportunity. We are going to be navigating through a strong storm of change both domestically and abroad. I am confident we will get through and at the end of this we will be better for it. I have always said there is no nation I would rather lead than the eUSA. That is still true today.

Before closing this article. I would like to add that as of now we have in the neighborhood of 2 dozen players in the Executive. This is a fantastic number. Many hands do make light work, but this many people working together also as I said creates new relationships, and a deeper pool of people to draw from for future CP contenders. However, we are always happy to have more players involved. I do not have anyone from the Black Sheep Party and I want them on board, especially since we are building something new. A glance at the government section of the eUSA forums will show you something not new, but something not seen in some time. The executive boards have been restored. On a related note a special thank you to PigInZen for restoring them. The public executive boards are where Paul Proteus will be posting Daily Press Briefings. They will be entertaining, but they are also where any citizen of the eUSA can post a question for any member of the Executive and we will do our best to answer. These Briefings will be periodically published in the WHPR so those who do not frequent the forums will still be able to stay apprised of what we are doing.

In closing I once again want to say thank you for this opportunity to lead the eUSA. I am excited like I have never been before. It is always an honor and a privilege to be President, but this as I said is a unique moment in the history of the eUSA. My team and I will rise to the occasion and together we as a team and a community will build something special and lasting. As always I thank you for reading. Until next time eUSA.