Political takeovers! {CP entry}

Day 489, 14:48 Published in Canada Australia by Mustache Dictator

Political takeovers are some of the most devious actions that can take place in the Eworld.


Romania sent a group of citizens from their country to recently freed Russia, the group was able to elect themselves a president, and effectively conquer the country.

Sent a group over to also recently freed Switzerland, elected themselves into congress, then they threatened the Swiss public with horrible proposals if they didn’t give the the group their entire treasury. We’ll call this an economic takeover


The Goons made their way from Pakistan, to turkey to Greece, ruining almost everything in there way. We’ll call this a “just for the lulz” takeover.

Is Canada ready for a political takeover? I asked Prime Minister Bruck and here were his answers.

1.If Canada was threatened with militaristic takeover?
I would work to organize all the major parties in eCanada to support one candidate. The combined might of all major parties working together would be a force that even a huge group would have trouble beating.

In the event of a takeover attempt I would issue an executive order to remove all gold and CAD from the treasury so as to prevent theft.

3.If any ally attempted a takeover on another ally?
This is very difficult and unfortunately would create a conflict of interest. In this case and assuming both asked for our aid I would choose to aid the ally that would best help us in the future.

So, are we ready?