[PoI] Community

Day 1,343, 11:01 Published in Israel Israel by Octavius Julius


My beloved citizens,
Rough times again. Our adversaries change yet we little and soft eIsrael remain. This article will not contain any bullshit nor propaganda, just solid facts and a recommended course of action for each and every one of you.

1800 Citizens ~ , 200-300 Active Citizens ~ (If not less) , Almost no gold buyers , high percentage of trolls and blood sucking vermin's , dependency on "big brother" nations and two supertankers. Seems like a lost case?

Nay, for every complete wipe we earn a few new faces, for every defeat we raise up in our ranks, from every fall we stand up stronger. From this day and on my Cabinet will be taking complete control and will dedicate most of its time to the development of our interior through various courses of action which will fulfill the next three goals.

A. Increasing the number of ACTIVE players in eIsrael through publicizing in major stages both in and out the web.

B. budgets to directly supply eISRAELI troops new and old a like in a double pace then what it was done till today. We will start from our mobile Corp and will spread the love to the rest of our National Army and all eISRAELI MILITIAS in order to stay competitive with other countries military wise (At least in quality of not quantity until step A is done)

C .Reinforcement of the personnel in our stationary and newbie divisions for education means and strengthening the ranks of our Ministry of Interior in order to create a softer pillow for newbies.

The process of building a core is a long one and not awarding in the short term but is one we MUST ignite in order to make a real difference and not play warlords behind the back of a few supertankers and big brothers like a neighboring country is doing. And last thing that relates to this issue is the importance of staying united, whether you have eIsraeli CS or eLybian CS acting and taking part in our community while taking a stand and joining our Ministry of Interior. Remember, Community>Pixel Regions.

And another statement regarding the Iranian – Israeli war,
I am sure we are all aware of the current situation on the world map. Our allies, those that came today without us calling and those who are cracking ONE's line of defense can relay on eIsraeli support even in those hard times.

And to our rivals, eIran
To be honest I expected more from a well organized and rooted nation than to invade a growing and developing one which never turned to harm or in anyway posed a real threat on Iranian sovereignty. Do know that with your NE proposal you gained a real Natural Enemy, we will be at your throats now till Plato turns of the light and trust me we can be one big pain in the ass.

What doesn't kills us makes us stronger,
Your humble servant
Octavius Julius, President of eIsrael.