[PM] Operation Winnar

Day 604, 14:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

Hello eUK and the eWorld!

As you may have noticed, the regions Brittany and Nova Scotia are now in possession of the United Kingdom!

Allow me to explain ...

The UK has chosen it's side, and it is in favour of the French and her Allies. To protect them, and to make their assault on Canada far more successful, we agreed to do some nifty region swaps.

Brittany was invaded by the UK so as to give access to Nova Scotia, France's border with Canada. We then invaded Nova Scotia, which leaves Canada with no borders to France.

Canada/USA also have no Wars with the UK, so they are unable to attack Nova Scotia at present, allowing our Allies to attack Canada and the USA freely.

Brittany will be returned to France as soon as possible.

So thank you to all our Allies who were involved in this Operation, and we are happy to help you in your upcoming Invasions

These next weeks are gonna be fun, you can be sure of that!

Hassan Pesaran,
Prime Minister of the eUK