[Pichu Gaz.] Interview with Jimmy Cincinnati, The Current Congress and more!

Day 3,526, 21:19 Published in USA Serbia by chriscoded

Hello eUSA, and the rest of the eRepublik!
Welcome to Issue 1 of The Pichu Gazette!

Day 3,525 (July 15th) was the most recent Party Presidential Election, and I decided that I would attempt to interview the major (and possibly minor) Party’s new presidents.
First off, the new Socialist Freedom Party leader, Jimmy Cincinnati!
Before I start the interview, let me tell you guys a bit about Jimmy in the off chance you don't know him. As a player for about 5 years, Jimmy's been around for a while. This can be seen in his newspaper, Loose Cannon, which has 45 PAGES of posts since Day 1,741. Jimmy also has served 8 full terms in the eUS Congress and is currently in his 9th and has lead 5 MU’s. On top of that, he messaged every member of the SFP with his ideals, a great move that shows his people skills.

Note: I did make a few small wording changes, but there are no major edits.

Election Related Questions

Q1. Jimmy, do you think this was a hard election to win, or do you think it was pretty easy?

Jimmy: The election wasn't as easy as it may have appeared. There was a lot of work to getting there.
Chris: In that case, how'd you get this far?
Jimmy: I have a lot of people to thank. Phil, for getting me interested in the game again. Hoss for motivating me. Countless SFP members that gave their blessing. Even a few members of the Feds and Black Sheep, for their show of goodwill.

Q2. You seemed to have your cabinet picks out there quite fast, and I was wondering what your strategy was behind picking your cabinet?

Jimmy: I've been working on the cabinet selections for 3 weeks. Just now getting everyone introduced
Chris: Woah! That's quite a while, how'd you choose everyone?
Jimmy: The selections are mostly based on activity. The easiest to contact and fastest response. Activity pays off.
Chris: Ah, I hope I'm active for whenever someone contacts me about something like that.

Q3. Do you have any plans for things you’ll try to start as soon as possible?

Jimmy: I've already started working on Speaker of the House nominations and some pr. There's a vote on writing quotas.
Chris: Oh cool!
Jimmy: Also, getting our Councilor and Secretary general together to create incentive programs. We've already juggled some ideas. We have a primary election, as well. That has to start, Tomorrow. The Congress Call.
Chris: Will ya be running for congress again?
Jimmy: I will this time. I usually don't run for congress when I'm PP. Because it's not going to be a fair election. Of course people will vote for the PP. So, I stay out of it. But I need to see those alerts.
Chris: That’s really nice for the other congressional candidates!

Policy Questions

Q4. Are there any countries who you would show aggression to, or would you “clean their slate”?

Jimmy: FUPQ is the mentoring program.
Chris: Ooooooooooooh!
Jimmy: Also, there's Public Transit and Housing Projects. Hoss1965 runs those. You buy from him and he'll refund it.
Chris: I assume the travel programs are supposed to pay for travel for RWs?
Jimmy: For whatever you need. As long as we don't see you reselling the tickets. I haven't heard of any abuse. We are also planning on restarting the training ground subsidies. We still need a catchy name.
Chris: Maybe like... "The Right Training Track" or something?
Jimmy: Something More party related. Like Freedom training center. We need to ask the RC about that one.
Chris: Alright, that is a pretty good name. Hope they approve it. 🙂

Q5. What are some of the biggest concerns you have for the eUSA, and how will you attempt to address them in your Party Presidency and your current Congress Term?

Jimmy: Our main problem is boredom. Followed closely by mole people and reptilian aliens. We could always improve our foreign relations. But all the red tape makes that impossible.
Chris: What do ya mean by red tape?
Jimmy: So many rules, and we just made them up.
Chris: Ah... yeah, that'd probably get in the way of good diplomacy.

Q6. You mentioned that you will try to use peace when possible, but are there any rivalling countries that you want to show aggression to, or will you give everyone a clean slate?

Jimmy: If we show aggression toward anyone, it should be eSerbia. Unfortunately, we haven't really got the manpower to do it and our allies are cool with eSerbia.
Chris: Why eSerbia in particular?
Jimmy: The recent Natural Enemy proposal isn't the first incident with the eUS. Real Life has got a bigger impact on the game than we like to admit. Some of us are never going to forgive. So the Real Life endless war is in the simulator.
Chris: Wait, they almost made us their natural enemy? Serbian Canada just got a lot spookier…

Q7. Since we’re one of the smaller major parties, how do you plan to get new players into the SFP?

Jimmy: We have tools to find new players and players without parties. But there isn't really a plan yet. Just plan to be an awesome place to hang out.

Q8. How do you plan to get new players up to a higher level with more resources to make the party and the US stronger, if that’s your plan?

Jimmy: There isn't a plan for raising the level of fighters. We try and help organize the war effort and we distribute supplies, but not with the intention of gaining levels.
Chris: Alright, is there a plan to strengthen players so they help more in wars?
Jimmy: Trading ground subsidies and daily supplies.
Chris: Alright, I bet that'll help the eUS do better in wars!

Q9. Is there anything in the party or eUSA you want to stop, and why?

Jimmy: I can't think of anything I want to stop, other than monotony.
Chris: Is there any way you think you could contribute to stopping that?
Jimmy: Sure! Creating new methods of doing things.That always pisses people off. 😃
Chris: Haha!
Jimmy: Coordinating wars. and elections. Writing contests. There use to be a few eRep related radio shows. I’d love to get one going again. There is also a movie night, coming up. I miss them.
Chris: Ooooooh! Those sound really fun! Also, is the voting done for movie night?
Jimmy: You’d have to ask Commie. Ghost in a shell is winning by a landslide.
Chris: Damn, I voted for Rambo. Oh well, it must be a good movie with all those votes. 🙂

New Player Advice

Q10. As a very well-off and well-established player, do you have any advice for players just getting started?

Jimmy: It's better to remain silent and seem foolish than to speak and remove all doubt. Try not to say things you'll regret, later. Advice I have trouble taking myself. But I still recommend it.
Chris: That’s some really solid advice, I’ll have to try and use it!

Q11. Since you also just won the Party Presidency, what is your advice for politicians who are just getting started, and possibly running for congress, this position or even president?

Jimmy: If you have an idea, discuss it with your clique. But don't give up, just because someone else says it's a bad idea. Take their criticism and make your plan better.
Chris: That's some great advice!

Miscellaneous Questions

Q12. You mentioned how the Black Sheep Party helped you out. Will the Socialist Freedom Party be working with the Black Sheep Party in the future under your administration (assuming they’d cooperate)?

Jimmy: I've worked with most parties when they were under hostile PTO threas. I'd be willing to work with any of them.
Chris: PTO?
Jimmy: Political takeover Hostile, because it came from eSerbia. Some of them, at least. Some were legit citizens that fell in with the wrong crowd.

Q13. Here is the MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION: Can I be the Minister of Fun or some other flashy yet mostly or totally useless position?

Jimmy: You can have any title except cantankerous busy body. That one is taken. 😃
Chris, Offical Minister of Fun: "Chris: Offical Minister of Fun" 😃
Jimmy: Congratulations!
Chris: Yay!
Chris: That’s all the questions I have for you, but is there anything else you wanna say before ya go?
Jimmy: Only that you should tell your friends about eRep. There are plenty of opportunities in the SFP.

And that was my interview with Jimmy! Thank you for doing this with me, and good luck in your month as Party President.
Recent Headlines
Germany Overthrows Dictator! The small yet still powerful Nation of Germany is dictator-free once more! July 15th (Day 3,525) is it’s first day where it truly has a democracy once more, and no longer has to pay that huge dictatorship upkeep. 50,000$ was donated to their Treasury, which may have been savored assets, although I like to believe it was an effort by Germans to restore their nation to its democratic glory.
Ireland Invades Canada! Yep, another country is taking a bite of Canada, and it’s Ireland. At this point, I’m surprised the US hasn’t invaded Canada.
Poland takes MORE of Israel! Shockingly Similarly to how Japan has been carved into bits by Serbia, Poland is continuing its Israeli Invasion. With two regions under its control, and Nazareth under attack, I wonder if Israel even has a chance at survival. Israel seems to have retaken Tel Aviv, so maybe Israel really has a chance.
Ukraine Almost Conquered! With the USA, Romania, Moldova, Montenegro and more seemingly taking over the smaller country, and their last territory to be conquered by Romania, it looks like Ukraine is done for. However, with a player base near the size of the USA, it is doubtful they won’t be able to rise up once again.
Norway and Denmark’s Valiant Fight! The small countries of Norway and Denmark are under attack by Finland and Germany respectively. These tiny countries show that holding down big colonies is very tough work… unless you’re Serbia.
The Current Congress
I think the Mutual Defense Pact with Hungary was a good idea. Hungary is a strong, active country, although not as strong as the US. It's got a lot of colonies it needs help maintaining, and we do too in Ukraine, so we do have shared interests there. While we have no borders with them, they could launch an airstrike at us, or possibly become a powerhouse later.
On the other hand, I think the Mutual Defense Pact with Canada was a meh idea. They're not that strong in resources, the economy or the military (besides a MDP with Serbia). In my opinion, it could be beneficial to NOT ally with Canada and instead conquer British Columbia to link Alaska to the contiguous US Territories in a more pretty way (although it is technically connected).
W-what is this Import Tax Change on Moving Tickets? That hike is WAY too big for any item. This could lead to less people selling in the US, or selling at a higher price. The way I see it, this leads to an upwards spiral, where US Sellers keep raising the prices of moving tickets in order to capitalise off of the higher prices of Foreign Offers in the market. (Although I know that's not the only thing keeping prices okay.) Even if people start flocking to lower quality tickets, that supply won't last forever, due to those items being unobtainable. Overall, it's a horrid idea, and I'm glad the idea did not pass.
I feel similarly on the Housing Import Tax Change, but I feel like it is unneeded since the US has one of, if not the, best house markets in eRepublik. On top of that, it’s less bad due to being 55 instead of 99, although Foreign Withdrawal will still be the result. I’m glad it was rejected as well.
The Mystery of Dictatorships
The money that the Turks take in simply can not satiate their Dictator. As soon as the Wells begin to run dry, they may seize control of the country, which would likely be good for the Turks. The real question is, how do Middling Dictatorships stay running, especially in weaker countries where their assets aren’t valuable. In strong countries like Serbia, China and Brazil, the large money from the working people easily keep dictators afloat. But in any dictatorship below them, this issue is a problem. The “Dictator Drain” seems to be happening in Nigeria as well, where the coffers are likely going to be drained if the dictator keeps up his ludicrous spending. However, in other weak dictatorships, some of the middling ones may find a solution. Armenia, The United Arab Emirates and Malaysia (weakest dictatorship) are weird cases, as the donations to the country almost balance out the Dictator Upkeep perfectly. Slovakia is similar to these countries, but gets a lot less donations, so it is a lot less stable. Japan finds a very happy balance, where it requires less donations due to being in a better economy. The United Arab Emirates also manages to get a good amount of cash via medals, which kept up the dictatorship for a day. So whether you’re a Serbian Dictator on your throne, a Slovakian Dictator facing collapse, or a dictatorial minded citizen, I hope this shined light on how Dictatorships can fail, and how to avoid it.
Speculation Corner
The eUSA is a very thriving country, rich in every resource in its contiguous states. However, there is one resource that it lacks that keeps it from being the be all end all in production. Neodymium. Being by far the rarest resource in the game, it’s no wonder we don’t have it, since it is located in 4 locations in the game, only 2 of which have trade routes. The regions that do are Prince Edward Island (Romania), Kinki (Serbia), Mazuria (Poland) and Balochistan (Iran). Iran and Poland’s actually have trade routes, while Romania and Serbia’s don’t. We can not take Serbia’s, as they’d obliterate us, and Romania and Serbia are our friends, so taking theirs would be horrible. So we should totally take Iran’s Neodymium! Except for two issues. The first is that we have a mutual defence pact with us for another 25 days. The biggest issue is that Iran is in an alliance with Serbia, Slovenia and Romania. While they normally wouldn’t care about Iraq, they’d likely prevent us from leeching off of their Neodymium.

This may be pity on my part, but we should try to help out Singapore. Their wages and coffers are low, and they have no territories. Even donations of 25 USD for people who can donate would buff up their money. With some help, they could regain territory and begin to keep themselves afloat, and possibly help the US in the future. At the very least, we could try to offer a deal so their most active players could move to the eUSA for a better playing experience.
Aaaaaand that's a wrap on Issue 1 of the Pichu Gazette! I plan to update this often, but not daily. Maybe a few times per week, maybe even mini versions when not big things happen but congress gets some stuff done.