[PEACE]Just to Clarify

Day 724, 16:47 Published in France Germany by Peacekeepers

Dear Citizens of PEACE;

As you all have no doubt seen, both Italy and Indonesia have left our beloved Alliance in the last day. There have been wild rumors and speculation regarding the Future of PEACE GC, including an article by the admins.

Our message to you is as simple as it is clear:

PEACE GC still exists.
We have, at this point in time, no intention of dissolving the Alliance. We will not deny that over the last month we have been pushing to rewrite our charter, and reset goals for our Alliance. In Indonesia's article in particular, it outlined that we accomplished what PEACE was set to do, being defending our members home regions, defeating the Romanian Conquest of Asia (and the World), and crippling North America in retaliation. Those are gone, and several of our members have pushed for a reorganization of the Alliance since.

But we shall reiterate, PEACE GC is still alive and well, and unless things change drastically will not be dissolving, contrary to what any Admin is going to try and tell you.

Please, if you have any questions, ask someone who is in the Leadership of your Nation, not someone who thinks they have it all figured out. If you listen to a Wolf, you deserve to be eaten.


PEACEKeeper Officer