[PCP] Vote for Jimbobfrey!

Day 2,210, 03:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jimbobfrey

Hi, comrades! It’s Jimbobfrey here with a manifesto aimed at persuading you to vote for me in the PP elections. Don’t you just love being subjected to pre-election propaganda? You lucky people… 😉

Vote for Jimbobfrey as PP!!!!!

In a bit more seriousness (though not too much), let’s begin looking at what I want to do as PP of the PCP. There’s quite a lot so I’ll keep each point brief!

Briefs… get it?

PCP Awards

One new thing I want to introduce is the ‘PCP Awards’. I will ask you, comrades, to nominate people for particular categories. I will then send prizes to the people who get the most nominations. Awesome!

Recruitment Schedule

Do we currently have a recruitment schedule? I honestly don’t know so, if we do, please tell me because I would like to set up a recruitment schedule and see that it’s being done effectively. I have said in the past that I would help with this but I didn’t really do enough - this time round, I am determined to drive the PCP’s success!

Especially after our recent scare about losing Congress due to falling out of the top 5! 😮

Revival of the PCP Forums

I don’t use the forums. Do you?

Well, let’s start using them! We’ve got them so why let them go to waste? I will be bringing Congress logs to the forums and will post links to articles giving away free stuff for votes/subs. These worked well in the past so I will do them again this month.

PCP Christmas Giveaway

On the 25th and 26th December (so Christmas Day and Boxing Day), I will be doing a giveaway for PCP members to get some food and weapons. The amount given will depend on how many of you ask for it - hopefully, it will be big! I’m already saving up! If I have enough money left after that, I would also like to have a giveaway on New Years (1st and 2nd January).

Tanking Competition

I did one of these during my last term as PP of the PCP and it worked very well. One weekend (I will tell you in advance), I will be checking egov4you and I will give weapons to the top 3 ‘tankers’, as defined by egov4you.

This takes into account level and division as well as the number of hits you’ve done (I can’t remember the exact formula though) so you all stand a fair chance!

New Member Welcome Package

I will be continuing LongshotzZ’s idea of sending welcome packs to new PCP members. New members who join the party and comment on the PCP party feed will receive 20 Q4 weapons and 500 energy worth of food. Just to say ‘welcome to the PCP!’


I want a deal with the WRP again. I would also like to try and get some of their members to move over to the PCP around that time to stop us falling out of the top 5 again, if possible.

I would also like to ask Congressmen to donate their Congress medal gold to the NHS like they did last term. Of course, that would be optional but I will praise and name the individuals who have done so in an article.

Why so many giveaways, Jimbobfrey? Well, I’m an eCommunist and I love giving things away! That’s one of the reasons why I am running for PP of the party I love!

Plus, with me as PP, you will get a regular flow of articles. I would like to appoint a Spokesman to write at least one article per week and I will also be publishing some 'extra' articles - I hope to release an article every 3 days!

Vote for Jimbobfrey as PP!!!!!!!

-Comrade Jimbobfrey
Current PCP Spokesman and 1x Former PP