[PCP] UK-Left terminated

Day 1,033, 20:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by People's Initiative

The PCP and TUP have worked well together in the past, assisting each other in congressional elections and working together on important issues like bringing down the House of Lords. However over the course of time The Unity Party has shown itself to be the most reactionary force in the eUK, and this has not been highlighted any better than in the recent debates concerning referendums.

The Unity Party has shown its true colours, not only by opposing the implementation of legislation which benefits the eUK in many ways; but by spreading lies and misrepresenting the facts so as to discredit an attempt to change the system - which they believe threatens their power.

The alliance has been in slow decline for a while now, but recent events have brought things to a direct conclusion. As such the People's Communist Party would like to officially declare that we will no longer seek to co-operate with TUP in the UK-Left Alliance.

The People's Communist Party will always seek to work with parties which wish to increase equality, fairness, and democracy in the eUK; and we will continue to fight for these ideals on a daily basis.