[PCP] [Sonicslice] The Revolution at home

Day 1,078, 07:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by People's Initiative

The Revolution at home
The first step for anyone wishing to reshape the political structures of the eUK, and eRepublik at large, is to assess where the locus of power currently lies, and where it should be in an equitable and reasonable community.

The power within the eUK currently lies within the external forums, these are at best one big in joke, and at worst a celebration of real life mediocrity. They are kept this way by intervention from their own administration and moderation team who police the forums to crush dissent, oppose change and maintain the incumbency and endless stream of identikit presidential and congressional candidates.

These forums are not a place for a citizen of eRepublik to initiate change, they are a crass celebration of a lengthy stagnation. This community relies on these forums as a crutch to support their poor performance, it’s a shield to hide them from the grim realities of repeated invasion.

The country has suffered the effects of stagnation too long, it is time for a clear out, a change. It is time for a revolution.

When I am elected as president I will withdraw all presidential and governmental business from the forums and undertake the business of community from within the game itself. We already have one set of administrators to curtail dissent within the game, why we subject ourselves to even greater restriction and even greater control by using these forums is beyond me. Reject the admins outright, but more than anything, reject the excess of admins. Let us have our fun, not yours.

The economics of eRepublik are an essential element in the make up of the game, I’ve already stated that I do not intend to nationalise our industries, or communise the country, this is true. The reason why I do not feel that this is a necessary part of an eSocialist manifesto is that in work itself, we are at least to some extent equal. The economic inequality which exists between different citizens is down to productivity driven wage structures. These could be overcome by the communisation of the community, and it would be a significant improvement, with commodities available to all.

However in my mission this month I have, uncharacteristically, chosen to pick my battles. The inequality inherent within a market structure can be controlled by the promotion and influence of the communes we already have, financial coercion, under pricing and market flooding can and will be used to limit the economic inequalities within the community, but I will not this term seek to push out the exploitative profiteers.
There are current economic policies, the different taxation approach around different raw material industries is something which makes no sense, does not impact on the company owners who make the companies and only serves to hurt workers. There is a viable industry in medium regions, and we would be more able to provide if they were used more effectively.

Political Structures
There will be put into place a system of direct democracy, a vote for me is a mandate to enforce this on the community. In order to ensure that the corrupting influences of power are not felt by members of congress, they will formally be re-designated as servants of the citizens of the eUK and a reaffirmation made that they are there to facilitate the decisions of the citizens, not to make decisions about them, or for them. The voting process will reflect the will of the citizenship of the eUK, not those who have been cynically placed in power.

In order to put this into place a voting system to allow the citizens to take a full part in every decision making process will be put into place and used for all decisions. This inclusive and open system of government will allow people in, rather than restrict participation in the country.

There will be a complete rejection of the trappings of real life mediocrity, the abolition of the monarchy, the rejection of the use of real life UK terms will cease. These are a tedious celebration of the mediocrity of real life and should not play a part in this new world, we have the imagination and we wish to think for ourselves. We want you to think for yourselves.

The Central Committee
So, how will this be overseen? There will be a central committee this will be made up of citizens who are true to the cause of citizen emancipation, and contain the following positions:

The Senior Representative for Communes
The Citizens’s Delegate to the Internationale
The Representative for the Defence of Citizen’s Liberty
The New Citizens’s Representative
The Representative for community affairs.
The Representative for economic control

All selections will be undertaken following the nomination of candidate with the support of a proposer and a seconder.

Each of the commune will have an internally elected representative who will attend the communal congress which will be called by the senior representative, this will be the primary decision making body for the commune network within our community, and will set the way in which the communes work for the benefit of the citizens who contribute to them.