[PCP] [Sonicslice] The Revolution abroad

Day 1,078, 14:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by People's Initiative

Supranational Affairs

The foreign affairs of this country have never ceased to be about other countries national interests, other citizens personal interests, and never about the interests of our community of citizens, the general populace.

In order to ensure that the citizens of this country, and eventually the whole eworld are not reigned over by any further tyrannical leaders from the bourgeois parties of this country, I will initiate a complete withdrawal from Phoenix, and begin to build a new type of alliance, a supra national citizens alliance.

In line with my call to reject the ongoing celebration of real life mediocrity across the whole game, and to be imaginative with the way we play, I am calling for an end to real life nationalist interests in the game. Patriotism is poison, we are here to play a game and the real life nationalist interests of the players are holding this community back.

If we look at the internationally successful players of this game, the GLaDOS’s and Dishmcds of this game have never worried about what their real life nationalities are, they get on with the game and play to win. We as a community need to play this way. The protection of our so called national sovereignty should be secondary to our success in the game, to accept that those arbitrary borders are a measure of our success, is to fall into the trap set for us by the admins. Break out, play for ourselves, play for the community.

To this end, the basis for this new alliance will not be an interrelated arrangement of MPP’s , this new alliance will be a supranational alliance. New members of the alliance will not just join the alliance, but will be subsumed into a supranational conglomeration. The defence of the borders of the alliance will be the defence of our borders, our community will grow, and merge and morph into a broader, more efficient and effective group. If we look at the real successes in this game, the long term successes like Liaoning this was a success because it was for the game, not because it was within specific national borders.

This aim can be undertaken in an anti imperialist way, through negotiation, collaboration, for the community, for the citizens, for the common good.

The Military in this country has time after time proven to be a negative force for citizens across the globe. It is a principle weapon in propping up the stagnant elitist bourgeois state which this ecountry has become. The process of indoctrinating new citizens into becoming members of the military have time and time again corrupted useful citizens into slaves to their own bourgeois oppression.

There has been attempts at reform, but it has become clear that the military in this country is out of control, and revolution, not reform is what is required. In order to do away with the problems and dark history which the military has presided over, I would remove all government support for the independent military, and form military force who’s sole aim is to protect the citizens of this country against the oppression of the imperialist alliances within the eWorld.

The people’s army will be run by the people, for the people. Defence of the regions in the alliance would be the primary goal, and regaining the regions of the alliance for the betterment of their citizens will be an essential part of their work. The expansion of the alliance, the borders and it’s economy will come as communities join the alliance for the betterment of all.

To finish off and wrap up my presidential bid, I’d like to talk about revolution, my proposals represent the areas where I see problems, and within the eUK these problems are getting worse not better. The apologetic and pathetic attempts at reform, little by little, while rome burns, is not enough. My opponents will tell you that these changes are a step to far, well, I think that their platitudinous meanderings are a step too small. I think my opponents need to step up and start making the radical changes we need in this country to stop it losing citizens, to stop it losing focus, to stop it losing.

If there is one thing that the eUK take from my bid to be president it is this: