[PCP] [Sonicslice] November Uprising

Day 1,077, 14:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by People's Initiative

I want to introduce myself, and my party. I am sonicslice and I will be running this election as the preferred candidate of the People’s Communist Party in the eUK presidential elections.

See here for part 1 of my full manifesto, The Revolution at home

I will not be running the standard campaign, I will not promise the same dreary platitudes as the other candidates, I will offer a real choice for the voters in the eUK, and a chance for real change for the citizens of eRepublik.

My presidential bid is not merely an attempt to become president of the country for one month, my aim is to make a change for the future of the citizens of eRepublik. I intend to set a blueprint for the eLeft internationally in terms of what we strive for, what we struggle for and the things we hold dear. Many of these things may seem to be a sea change in the ideals of some within the eleft, but I feel they represent a significant leap forward and a considered reassessment of the game we play.

Within this game, the eleft has been characterized by those on the right within eRepublik as being all about communes, dodging tax and fighting against ‘their’ country. This is clearly not true now, nor has it ever been and I aim to set out a clear set of ideals around which we can all unite which will serve to debunk these ludicrous claims once and forever.

The eLeft has and always will be about a struggle, where the struggle takes place is up to us. We need to examine the way in which we play the game and the way in which the game is played to identify where the struggle must place. There are many places which we in the eLeft have struggled in the past, but they have not borne fruit. We must seek to marginalise those who have taken over and seek to maintain power through the endless recycling of tired, tedious clichéd platitudes.

I think my most radical departure as an eSocialist candidate will be in terms of my economic policy. I will not be advocating the wholesale nationalization of industry as many might expect. I will of course promote and recommend communes and communal living, it will not enforce or even attempt to impose it on the citizens of the eUK.

There will be changes, reforms and revolutions across the board; in foreign affairs, in military affairs and in the political structures. The way we spend money and the way we see our allies will be challenged to their very core.

I do not intend to maintain the status quo, I do intend to initiate the first of many full overhauls of the way we think of erepublik. I will seek to topple the complacency of the incumbents and facilitate complete and constant change to ensure that the spectre of oppression which haunts this country, and this game does not rear it’s ugly head again.

I will be outlining my full plans for the future in the next few articles, so do tune in for how the rest of eRepublik will be.

This is the start of the uprising, this is the November uprising.

See here for part 1 of my full manifesto, The Revolution at home

See here part 2 of my full manifesto, The Revolution abroad