[PCP] Dolphin Results and TAP TAP TAP Event

Day 2,043, 11:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ayame Crocodile

Welcome back everyone to day 7 of the PCP olympic games, And with that results for the Dolphin Event and the announcement of the 3rd event.

First though, I need to apologise for messing up my own quiz 😨 Personally I’d like to blame one Mr Teppishc for convincing me to spend the entire night drinking beforehand, but really it’s my fau- naaaaah nevermind blame Teppishc for things not going to plan 😛

Announcement turns into fail

But I will be rescheduling the Quiz and announce the date and time in another article soon 🙂

Right back to the Olympics!

Luke Braferd - 14.186,546
Jimbobfrey - 4,342,220
Nimmer - 2,761,453
YouFap - 2,228,457
Homo Lordus Phoenix - 713,041
Hendrik Laanemee - 430,682
Maxin Ernst - 321,329
Darfu - 274,115
CrowdyBoY ll - 183,121

Luke Braferd - 28
Nimmer - 20
Jimbobfrey - 16
Kaniballos - 14
Teppishc - 12
YouFap - 12
Homo Lordus Phoenix - 10
Elasitis - 8
Hendrik Laanemee - 8
Maxin Ernst - 6
Darfu - 4
Zaphod - 4
Julian Caesar - 2
CrowdyBoY II - 2

Prizes have been sent out once again... and so onto the next 😃

click me to play!

A different challenge entirely this time, I didn’t want the Olympics to be entirely mini games (there will be more though and if you have suggestions please let me know), So it’s time to crack your fingers and go crazy fast and avoid making mistakes.

Post your Words per Minute and mistakes count and I’ll work the winners out (I will count each mistake as -5wpm).

The event is once again open for 48hrs so you have until Thursday 8am GMT or 00.00 eRep time to get a score in. And remember just for entering you get 5Q7 as a PCP member and 2Q7 as a foreign entrant 😁

Prizes as usual for this event are:

1st 50 Q7
2nd 35 Q7
3rd 20 Q7
4th 15 Q7
5th 10 Q7
Everyone Else 5 Q7

This competition is open to anyone but only PCP members are eligible for full prizes, Foreign Entrants and Non PCP eUK members are eligible for 25% of prizes.

Thank you,
Ayame Crocodile