[PCP] Dear RFA

Day 1,067, 09:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by People's Initiative

I've been confused and saddened by the recent words and actions of your Party President, making unfounded allegations and hateful scorns against my own party, the PCP. Confused because this is absolutely untypical of the RFA and saddened because I thought that our two parties have always had a civil and very polite relationship, even friendly.

We've worked together on a number of causes and elections, even recently. During the last CP election that was mainly contested between ourselves the mood was never anything but friendly and well spirited with a general atmosphere of fair play. The campaign was never negative - neither ours nor yours. PCP members have nothing but respect for your party - we thought that respect was mutual.

With the election of Goku Jones this seems to have changed. I wouldn't dream of attempting to undermine the RFA's leadership selection process or call into question how you conduct your own business. But I hope you can understand, considering the above, why I and my comrades might be confused when we see the kind of hateful language in articles and threads I am sure you are very much aware of.

I feel it is a minority within RFA, and a very small one at that, which agrees with that language. Certainly I have seen very few of your members speaking similar words - and this is encouraging for me, but why is it any of your membership, especially your PP, is saying such things? I feel the criticism is unfair and ill advised. PCP wants nothing but cooperation with RFA as long as RFA is happy to recuperate and play nice.

Yours faithfully,
Johnobrow Dadds