[PCP] Congress + Statement on Recent Events

Day 2,199, 00:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jimbobfrey

Hi there! This article is to be split into 2 parts: first, we shall have the Congress results and a thank you to the Congressmen who donated their 5 gold to the NHS. Secondly, I would like to tell you about recent events regarding the PCP.

Note: those who know which ‘events’ I am referring to, this article is just an informative one based solely on the information I have heard from fellow PCP members and I’ve tried to represent all views fairly. I will not point the finger and blame anyone, that’s not the right thing to do. So, if you’re expecting confrontation, I’m sorry but you will be disappointed.

We got 6 seats in Congress! Yay! Well done to your new Congressmen! I’m sure they will all do a great job.

Another great reason to be happy is that several of our Congressmen have very generously agreed to donate their 5 gold from the Congress medal to the NHS. This was a very good thing to do and thank you to those of you who have done this. The PCP is proud to support the NHS. If you have just been elected as Congressman and would like to donate your gold to the NHS, Dom has a form he’d like you to fill out here.

Over the past couple of days, the PCP experienced one of the most shocking and surprising moments I can remember.

Basically, only the top 5 parties at the end of the 24th can run for Congress. The rest can only have Congressmen if they enter the elections indirectly through another party’s Congress list (like WRP ran a candidate in our Congress list). Anyway, on the 24th November, we discovered that the PCP’s membership had decreased and the membership of both the UKPP and UKRP increased, putting us quite far out of the top 5. PCP and WRP almost missed out on having a Congress!

However, New Era and WRP helped us massively by sending people over to the PCP so that we could get back into the top 5 before the 24th was over. Thank you so much to them for helping us at such short notice! You were amazing, the PCP is very grateful! Thank you! \o/

I stated before that this article is not going to be used to blame anyone for what happened but, as Spokesman of the PCP, I have the duty to tell you what I’ve been hearing.

The PCP seems to have divided opinion at the moment. I don’t like this imagery but, in order to make the situation clear, I will introduce two ‘camps’ of thought. Camp A believe that this is simply a sign that we need to start recruiting more heavily and focus on retaining our members. Camp B believe that the PCP is under threat from a group in the eUK which is outside of the PCP (no names, I don’t want to single anyone out!).

I also want to add that there are not really two distinct camps at war with each other, just some disagreement between groups of people in the PCP. That’s all but it needs mentioning because it has caused a lot of tension within our party.

If you want the truth, it could well be a mixture of both of these things. I don’t personally know Camp B’s group well enough to determine if they had a role in it or not so I am very hesitant to say that they caused us to move out of the top 5. Really, the UKPP wanted to get into Congress and made a last-minute bid to increase their membership and get one. Unfortunately, we were at the bottom of the top 5 and so we fell out of it. The UKPP may have had some support from this group, they may have just made a deal with another party or perhaps they just had a babyboom. Yes, you could say that was an attack on the PCP but you could also say that it was the UKPP trying to expand and that we were just unlucky enough to be caught out by this. You can make your own decision on that.

Except it’s a little deeper than just these Congress elections. I’m trying my best to explore all opinions so I will tell you that some people from Camp B have expressed a feeling of frustration since the start of term now. They felt that the PP elections were rigged and unfair. This was because Dominic May and LongShotzZ were perhaps the two ‘favourites’ to win as they had extensive election campaigns. Then, ApronChef entered the elections and almost won with a smaller campaign. These people from Camp B state that they think a group from outside the PCP helped ApronChef to get more votes. I don’t mean to say that this is necessarily wrong or that it isn’t valid but you have to look at what Camp A are saying too...

ApronChef has been the PP of PCP before, he did a very good job last time and he is a highly respected member of our party (he’s just left us now, have fun in future endeavours, comrade) - all good qualities which would make people want to vote for him as PP. Did he have extra support? Who knows? Maybe he did. But he was still a valid candidate and it should not come as a surprise that he came second in the elections. And the group’s members actually continue to say that they did not ‘get involved’ or do anything at all. Again, I’m not saying that this is true or that it is false because I honestly don’t know. I’m just stating what I have heard.

So I’ve tried to explain to you what these disagreements are about and where they stemmed from. Hopefully, this has helped you to know more about why the recent elections are causing quite a lot of excitement in the PCP. Now, did this group intervene in PCP politics? Ultimately, only their members know. However, I urge people to remain calm and to think rationally. And please try to consider all the opinions in this article, even if you think (or know) that they are wrong.

There’s one message I would like you to take from this article though:

The PCP will not fall! We stand tall and embrace any challenges thrown upon us! We are stronger together!

Thank you for your time.
PCP Spokesman