[Party President] Election Day is Tomorrow

Day 2,063, 11:00 Published in Australia New Zealand by Marcos Arolia

gday Australia,

This article shall be more serious than the ones I released since I returned.

As you can see from the separator above, this article will be about the party that I am a member of: the Australian Parliamentary Party. More specifically, I will be standing for the office of Party President.

I am not one to make promises of "I'm going to do this!" or "I will be doing that!" as anything can happen within a given month Instead, have a set of given goals I wish to do if you decide to elect me.

-Rebuild communication with ALL members. This will lead to more activity.
-Increase party membership until we are secure at least at third place.

That is somewhat modest for those who know of me. However, along with MUs, parties are societal foundations that improve the quality of life in a country. By quality of life, I mean allows new players to have a reason to stay. And that is very important.

Those two goals are the foundation for anything else that is done. One without the other is like trying to walk with one leg.

Thank you for considering me for this office. Remember to vote tomorrow!