槐安乱弹 Pagoda Dream#1

Day 644, 04:03 Published in China China by aliao

槐安, 即大槐安国。 关于大槐安国的情 况介绍, 见唐人淳于棼自传 《我当南柯太 守时的那点事》。

我进入这游 戏的目的很简单, 就是为了多学点鸟语。 本电子无照非法出 版物我会努力争 取每期都用中英 双语推出, 然本人中文水平有限 ( 曾经被老蔡这死文 青严重鄙视过 ) , 英文更不值一提, bug那是在所难免, 现开刊胡掰, 还望各位多多指教。

我还考虑过取名为《 檀萝夜话 》, 檀萝国曾经在淳于棼任 上进攻南柯郡, 把淳于棼打得屁滚尿流; 但是我 的读者里很可 能有人会以为这 是个少儿不宜的深夜节目, 所以还是就这样吧。

最后, 既然今天人大带表选举, 那就吼两句:投PRP! 投CDP! 投总统党! 不要给巨扯任何机会!

Maybe some of you have already heard this story about the name of this magazine.

In Tang Dynasty ( 618 - 907 AD), there lived a man called Chunyu Fen. One day, he was drinking under an old pagoda tree and fell a sleep. He was invited to the Great Kingdom of Pagoda in his dream. He married a princess, ruled Nanke ( South Branch ) county, and was defeated by the Kingdom of TanLuo ( 檀tan =Redsanders 萝Luo=Wisteria ).

When he woke up, he found that the Great Kingdom of Pagoda was a brood of ants under the old pagoda tree.

Does it look like our eLife?

Some of my new friends encouraged me about my English, thank you very much and let me show you how horrible it is. If you have any idea or find any bug about this please tell me.

Don't let Juche have any chance! Long live eChina!