[p00k 4#] First is always the Worst

Day 1,895, 16:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by p00kachu

Hello there, Nation!

You may have noticed that this article has drastically changed. Why? because something has arisen and I wish to speak of it as soon as humanly possible. So instead of yet another canvassing thread of me imploring you to spread the word that I want your word, I am going to slap you some information up in this area, right now.

Item 1:Mutual Protection Pact w/Thailand

I don't believe this has been made public until now so I could get in a lot of trouble for this, who knows. I don't think this is something we keep private as it effects the people and the economy, directly.

TUP Congressman Kravenn proposes that we ally ourselves with eThailand. They say that they have friends within eThailand who are ex-Serbian patriots who would very much like to form an MPP with the eUK. I saw no issue with this, but I took my research further just to be sure. What I found was that actually, the only reason for this MPP was because Thailand had allied with every TWO member apart from the eUK and we too had allied with everyone in TWO but Thailand. Now I understand the initial sentiment "All for one, One for All" but think. If we're all in TWO, That means that surely we already are under some form of obligation not to start taking shots at each other across the fence, right?
While some would say not to sit on that assumption, the statistics also manage in our favour. Thailand do not have enough powerful allies and enough resources to provide a substantial retort even if they wanted to, so the extra security isn't worth the fee.

Which brings me onto the cost of it all, one of the main reasons I am posting this without having it checked. The MPP will initially cost £10,000 CC/GBP. We as a country are already in deficit of £400,00. Can we really afford another vanity project just in the name of foreign-diplomacy? It may seem that we're helping out foreign and smaller countries but that's clearly a publicity stunt. My question to Kravenn was "Do we get our money's worth?" I was fed more lines of publicity-waffle. I followed my research onto the IRC discussion for congress and personally, 1-2-1, debated with Kravenn on this matter. Again it was clear that Kravenn's motives were vain, I quote:

"a good image for diplomacy 😛 always helpful to look friendly"

So clearly, Kravenn cares more about the Publicity Image of our country than the actual prosperity of the citizens of it. As I held them to account on this matter of the price, the only answer I was given was that the CP had already wasted £400,000 on this current war and £10,000 wouldn't make it any worse. Sums up Kravenn's intentions perfectly. I very briefly spoke to fellow NewEra member, Dr Hugh Jardon on this situation. He told me that:

"I am not too sure that Thailand citizens actually do that much fighting for the eUK so it might be a lame duck MPP...like the Australia one has turned out to be."

I can't say that I disagree with him entirely. We had to cut our funding for MPPs in order to form a fruitless alliance with Australia that has so far landed us nowhere. More on the situation as it unfolds, don't forget to comment and PM me with your thoughts!

Item 2: The Vote Buying Club

I was recently canvassed by a group of people known as the 'Vote Buying Club'. These people take set amounts of CC in exchange for votes, subscriptions and shares of the payee's article. I am going to come out and say now that I have not and will not use this service at any given point or time. My journal is purely for contact with my people and use of a portfolio of my involvement in the running of the country. I will not preach against Corruption of Opinion if I have to be corrupt by way of getting my preaching heard. I will not preach a book if I cannot preach it cover-to-cover. I have been informed that there are certain NewEra members who make use of their service. I will also say here that I do not condemn their use of it as the purpose of our Newspapers are different. For those who are looking for ratings, it is a useful service. For those who just wish to be heard, then it is not so enticing.

That's all that really mattered to me today eUK, hope to speak to you soon with further updates on both of my topics today. Please remember to Vote, Subscribe and most importantly share this article. The more known my topics are, the more chance the public have their voice heard. A promise I will keep until I leave office.

Stay classy eUK!
Congressman p00kachu