[p00k 1#] The Canadian-Norwegian Problem, a week ago.

Day 1,888, 10:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by p00kachu

Hello eUK, how's it all going? p00kachu here, and I'd just like to say Thank-You for clicking on this as it is my first stepping-stone in my Newspaper, so thanks again.

Down to Business. It's been exactly 1 week ladies and gents since the evident dawn of the Canadian-Norwegian issue arose. So I thought for all of those who were a little clueless on the subject or perhaps didn't read up, this could be a small insight onto the events of the current situation.

[*] 13/January/2013 - BigAnt proposes that Norway is declared a Natural Enemy.

[*] 14/January/2013 - The Notion carries. Congress passes the bill at a vote of 33 to 2. (Having Spoken to BigAnt, his justification for this act was that he believed Norway would be an easy war for the eUK, evidently not.)

[*]15/January/2013 - Norway follows the same notion and declares us a Natural enemy. Here it begins. On the same day, The Polish President proposes an alliance with the eUK, the eUK having already recently signed an alliance with Hungary, perhaps as a ploy for a clean and definite victory. Later that day, British troops are Feet-on-the-ground in Vestlandet of Norway.

[*]16/January/2013 - After a day of fighting, Vestlandet is taken over by British troops. We set an alliance for Spain who are currently the leaders of our alliance, TWO (Keep this in mind, I have a little something). Here's where it gets interesting. Canada, in an attempt to ally themselves with Scandinavian alliance Asgard, declare the eUK as a Natural enemy and in the same day started the Canadian invasion of Wales, which we are currently fighting as I type (Keep Calm and Carry on folks). As a retaliation, we further our campaign back up into Norway and storm the region of Sorlandet. Finally, the congress propose an impeachment of our President, Big Ant.

[*]17/January/2013 - Here it gets ugly. A resistance is formed in Vestlandet, and British troops are encouraged to let them reclaim the land as BigAnt sees he's kicked the hornet's nest and well and truly caused us a mess. This mess is in the form of Wales as the Canadians conquer it. It only gets worse, the West Midlands are attacked by the Canadians alongside the Netherlands who have declared us a natural enemy. Delightful, more mess to deal with, thanks el Presidenté! In the same day as the attack, West Midlands is lost to the Canooks as BigAnt tries to further his position as President of the eUK as the impeachment fails. Dear me. Oh and our new raised income tax comes into play, yay?

[*]18/January/2012 - The East Midlands now plays target in Canada's invasion plan. Their plan to get buddy-buddy with Asgard seems to be working as we are facing total occupation. But don't worry, we take back Vestlandet (err yay?) But don't worry, the Netherlands attacks it again. Aaand oh-look, Norway attacks Scotland. So we're fighting 2-3 fronts. Thanks one Ant, no really. But it's back up as the eUK's resistance takes back Wales, Many sheep are saved. Oh and Vestlandet is taken back by the Netherlands, nice. Oh what's that? we lose Scotland? Fuck.

[*]19/January/2013 - A bloody day of fighting, Norway continues her campaign and attacks the North-West as we attack the West Midlands. Spain attacks Canada as part of the TWO alliance, it looks hopeful.

[*]20/January/2013 [TODAY] - We reclaim the West Midlands, North of England and Wales. We reclaim Scotland and now we attack Sorlandet again.

So there you have it ladies and gents, I hope this has been an insightful read, sorry if it's not. Any criticism will be accepted but just don't be offensive. Also, I wouldn't like to finish a politically dry war journal without some spice. So while this went on, I mailed Mininuns, Secretary General of TWO. I asked him his opinion on our president, the situation and future plans:

"Hi p00kachu,

Nice to meet you!

I have seen better leaders at the head of the UK. In regards to my plans, I can only tell you we will continue to defend our countries, -as we have been doing since the beginning-, among other things.

Canada will think twive before attacking the UK, and the UK too when it comes to attack another country.

Best regards,

Well that's all folks!